Examples and HowTos
A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Example Dial Plan
Example Dial Plan
A dial plan is a set of rules that determine the phone’s behaviour on digit entry by the user. Up
to 48 rules are possible. With OpenScape Desk Phone CP, a dial plan rule is constructed from
9 parameters. In the following, the setup of a dial plan is explained.
The dial plan entries are preceded by a title line. This is a free format string, e. g. a descriptive
name or version number, which can be used by the administrator for version control purposes.
Dial Plan Syntax
A dial plan rule is built from the parameters described underneath.
Digit string
: A pattern of digits or "*", "#", or "x" characters that is to be matched for starting
an action. The maximum length is 24 characters. The "x" character is a wildcard character
that represents any of the other digits (it may be upper or lower case).
: The action to be taken when the criteria are met. The following options are avail-
"S" (Send digits): The digits entered are sent to the server when one of the following
three conditions is satisfied:
a) the maximum digits have been received, or
b) the timer expires after the minimum digits have been received, or
c) on receipt of the terminator after the minimum digits.
"C" (Check for other actions): If the the digit sequence entered by the user matches
Digit string
Maximum length
, and
Minimum length
, the timer starts. On timer expi-
ry, the digit string will be sent to the server. If further digits are received before timer
expiry, further entries will be checked.
If the timer is set to 0, the dial string will be sent immediately.
This option is used when there are more than one rules which start with the same
Minimum length
: The dial plan rule will not initiate the sending of digits until at least this
number of digits have been entered. However, the digits will be sent after the delay config-
ured in User menu > Configuration > Outgoing calls > Autodial delay (seconds).
Maximum length
: Automatic sending will occur when this number of digits have been di-
aled. If not specified, then the digits will be sent when the timer expires, or a terminating
character is entered.
The phone will not perform any checking on the title; ensuring that different dial plans
are given different titles is part of the administration process.