A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Administration via WBM
Security and Policies > Password > Change Admin password
Security and Policies > Password > Change User password
Administration via Local Phone
Troubleshooting: Lost Password
If the administration and/or user password is lost, and there is no DLS available, new pass-
words must be provided. In case of lost administration password, a factory reset is necessary.
In case of lost user password, the administrator may reset the user password. Take the follow-
ing steps to initiate a factory reset:
1. On the phone, press the Service/Settings key to activate the administration menu (the
Menu key toggles between the user’s configuration menu and the administration menu).
2. Press the number keys 2-8-9 simultaneously. The factory reset menu opens. If not, the key
combination is deactivated due to security reason.
3. In the input field, enter the special password for factory reset: "124816".
4. Confirm by pressing OK.
--- Admin
--- Security and policies
--- Change admin password
Current admin
Confirm admin
--- Change user password
Admin password
New user password
Confirm new user
Change Admin password
Current password
New password
Confirm password
Change User password
Admin password
New password
Confirm password