A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Canonical Dial Lookup
The parameters given here are important for establishing outgoing calls and for recognizing in-
coming calls.
In the local phonebook, and, mostly, in LDAP directories, numbers are stored in canonical for-
mat. In order to generate an appropriate dial string according to the settings in
Internal num-
External numbers
(-> Section 3.13.1), internal numbers must be discerned from ex-
ternal numbers. The canonical lookup table provides patterns which allow for operation.
Furthermore, these patterns enable the phone to identify callers from different local or interna-
tional telephone networks by looking up the caller’s number in the phone book. As incoming
numbers are not always in canonical format, their composition must be analyzed first. For this
purpose, an incoming number is matched against one or more patterns consisting of country
codes, national codes, and enterprise nodes. Then, the result of this operation is matched
against the entries in the local phone book.
Up to 5 patterns can be defined. The
Local code 1 ... 5
parameters define up to 5 different local
enterprise nodes, whilst
International code 1... 5
define up to 5 international codes, that is,
fully qualified E.164 call numbers for use in a PSTN.
Data required
Local code 1 ... 5
: Local enterprise code for the node/PBX the phone is connected to.
Example: "7007" for Unify office in Munich.
International code 1 ... 5
: Sequence of "+", local country code, local area code, and local
enterprise node corresponding to to one or more phone book entries.
Example: "+49897007" for Unify office in Munich.
Administration via WBM
Locality > Canonical dial lookup
To make sure that canonical dial lookup works properly, at least the following para-
meters of the phone must be provided:
Local country code
Local area code
Local enterprise code
Canonical dial lockup
Local code 1:
Local code 2:
Local code 3:
Local code 4:
Local code 5:
International code 1:
International code 2:
International code 3:
International code 4:
International code 5: