A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
IP Network Parameters
If this parameter is set to "Yes" (default), the phone will search for a DHCP server on startup
and try to obtain IP data and further configuration parameters from that central server.
If no DHCP server is available in the IP network, please deactivate this option. In this case, the
IP address, subnet mask and default gateway/route must be defined manually.
The following parameters can be obtained by DHCP:
Basic Configuration
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Optional Configuration
Default Route (Routers option 3)
IP Routing/Route 1 & 2 (Static Routes option 33), Classless static route option 121, Pro-
vate/Classless Static Rout (Microsoft) option 249)
SNTP IP Address (NTP Server option 42)
Timezone offset (Time Server Offset option 2)
Primary/Secondary DNS (DNS Server option 6)
DNS Domain Name (DNS Domain option 15)
SIP Addresses/ SIP Server & Registrar (SIP Server option 120)
VLAN ID, DLS address (Vendor specific Information option 43)
The following parameters can be obtained by DHCPv6:
Basic Configuration
Global Address
Global Address Prefix Length
Optional Configuration
Primary/Secondary DNS (DNS recursive name server option 23)
SNTP IP Address (Simple Network Time Protocol Server option 31)
SIP Addresses / SIP Server & Registrar (SIP Server Domain Name List option 21, SIP
Server IPv6 Address List option 22)
The change will only have effect if you restart the phone.
The phone is able to maintain its IP connection even in case of DHCP server failure.
For further information, please refer to DHCP Resilience.