D I G I T A L T I M E P I E C E & P R O T O O L S
transport controls in Performer to drive the whole
rig as described in chapter 9, “Digital Timepiece &
Performer” (page 67). As of version 4.01 of Pro
Tools, however, there is no way to set things up so
that you can freely use the transport controls in
both programs. Future versions of Pro Tools and
Performer may support this. For now, you have to
choose one or the other and set things up
Syncing an OMS sequencer with Pro Tools
If you want to run an OMS-dependent sequencer
simultaneously with Pro Tools in this scenario, set
up OMS as described in chapter 11, “Digital
Timepiece & OMS” (page 79). Set up Pro Tools to
slave to the Digital Timepiece as shown in
Figure 12-5 on page 88. Then set up your OMS
sequencer to slave to MTC as usual from the Digital
Timepiece. Note that in this scenario, the
sequencer is slaving to MTC from the Digital
Pro Tools.
If the Digital Timepiece is operating in one of its
Internal modes (Internal, Video/internal, Word 1x/
Internal, etc.) — where the Digital Timepiece itself
is acting as the address master, you can use the
transport controls in your MMC-compatible OMS
sequencer (or other program) to drive the whole
rig. For details, see chapter 10, “Digital Timepiece
& Other Sequencers” (page 75).
Figure 12-7: Slaving Pro Tools using one of the Digital Timepiece’s ‘Triple-sync’ modes — the most accurate way to sync Pro Tools with the Digital
Timepiece. In this example, house sync video (blackburst) is being fed to the Digital Timepiece, a video deck, and a DA-88 with an SY-88 card. The
Digital Timepiece mode is ‘Word ‘1x/Video/LTC’. This mode makes the Digital Timepiece resolve to the word clock from the SY-88 while referencing
blackburst to maintain extremely accurate frame-edge boundaries. The video deck feeds SMPTE time code (LTC) to the Digital Timepiece and
serves as the transport master of this rig. SMPTE can also be fed to the DA-88/SY-88 (not shown).
Any device that generates word
clock while resolved to video, such
as a DA-88 with SY-88 Sync Card or
an Aardvark Aardsync™ converter
Word clock
Word 1x IN
Digital Timepiece time base mode:
Word 1x/video/LTC
House Sync
Video Generator
Video Sync In
Video IN
Various forms of word clock and SMPTE time code distributed
by the Digital Timepiece to other devices.
Pro Tools
Video deck that can
resolve to house sync
(address and transport
Video Sync In
word clock (1x)
LTC out
MTC to
Pro Tools
256x word clock
to Pro Tools I/O
If you use a DA-88/SY-88 as
shown in this example, check
the setup notes in Figure 3-13
on page 20 for additional
important info.
Содержание Digital Timepiece
Страница 32: ...I N S T A L L A T I O N 32...
Страница 44: ...F R O N T P A N E L S E T T I N G S 44...
Страница 52: ...C O N V E R T I N G G E N E R A T I N G T I M E C O D E 52...
Страница 66: ...M I D I M A C H I N E C O N T R O L 66...
Страница 99: ...T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G 99...
Страница 101: ...I N D E X 101...