D I G I T A L T I M E P I E C E & P R O T O O L S
In this scenario, Pro Tools slaves to the Digital
Timepiece. The Digital Timepiece feeds 256x word
clock (“
slave clock
”) to the Pro Tools audio
interface hardware (e.g. 882 or 888 I/O) to provide
Pro Tools with a stable, accurate, continuously
resolved time base. The Digital Timepiece also
transmits MTC to the Pro Tools software running
on the Mac as shown in Figure 12-5. This scenario
gives you considerable flexibility because you can,
in turn, slave the Digital Timepiece (along with Pro
Tools) to many other possible time base and
SMPTE address sources. In addition, you have
many possible sources for transport control over
the entire rig. Note, however, that since Pro Tools is
acting “online” as a slave in this scenario, you
cannot use the transports in Pro Tools. To do so,
make Pro Tools the master as discussed earlier.
Figure 12-5: Slave Pro Tools to the Digital Timepiece (and other
devices) as shown here. Note that this scenario gives you many possi-
ble choices for transport control over your rig. For even tighter lockup
between Pro Tools and the Digital Timepiece (and other devices
connected to it), see “Pro Tools and Triple-sync” on page 91.
When to use this setup
Use this setup any time you need to synchronize
Pro Tools with any device that cannot be a slave
itself, such as a video deck (one that doesn’t
support the SONY 9-pin protocol) or an analog
tape deck. This setup should also be used when you
want to control everything from transport controls
other than those in Pro Tools, such as the
transports on a video deck, MIDI sequencer, Alesis
BRC, etc.
For the tightest synchronization possible
between Pro Tools and other devices, see “Pro
Tools and Triple-sync” on page 91.
Essential connections
Connect the
Word 256x
Output on the Digital
Timepiece to the
Slave Clock
Input of the Pro Tools
Audio Interface (882, 888, etc.)
Be sure to remove the opposite 256x word clock
connections (so that Pro Tools doesn’t think it is
the word clock master).
You will also need bi-directional MIDI
connections between the Mac and the Digital
Timepiece for MIDI Time Code.
Digital Timepiece mode
The mode you choose for the Digital Timepiece
depends on which device(s) you would like to use
in your studio as the time base, address and
transport master. You can use the Digital
Timepiece itself, or pretty much any other source
you want — with the exception of 256x word clock
as a time base master (since Pro Tools is slaving to
the Digital Timepiece). A few examples are shown
in Figure 12-5. For the tightest sync and fastest
possible lockup times, see “Pro Tools and Triple-
sync” on page 91.
Digital Timepiece
MTC to
Pro Tools
Example 1: SMPTE
time code (LTC) from
a video deck (serves
as time base and
address master)
Pro Tools
256x word clock
to Pro Tools I/O
Example 2: MMC commands
from Performer or another
sequencer trigger the
Digital Timepiece running in
Example 3: an
Alesis BRC (or other
similar hardware
control surface)
serves as master
Other devices slaved to the
Digital Timepiece
Содержание Digital Timepiece
Страница 32: ...I N S T A L L A T I O N 32...
Страница 44: ...F R O N T P A N E L S E T T I N G S 44...
Страница 52: ...C O N V E R T I N G G E N E R A T I N G T I M E C O D E 52...
Страница 66: ...M I D I M A C H I N E C O N T R O L 66...
Страница 99: ...T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G 99...
Страница 101: ...I N D E X 101...