D I G I T A L T I M E P I E C E & O T H E R S E Q U E N C E R S
Some sequencers have the ability to send MMC
record commands to MMC devices. For example,
you can record-enable a track on a MMC device by
clicking a button in your sequencer. Some
sequencers let you do more elaborate record
functions, such as set automatic punch-in and
punch-out recording.
While the Digital Timepiece itself is not a recording
device, you
do all of these things with MMC
devices that are connected to the Digital
Timepiece, such as ADATs, DA-88s or SONY 9-pin
video decks.
Record-related MMC commands supported by the
Digital Timepiece and your sequencer fall into two
device -specific
. (For a
summary, see “MMC control of record functions”
on page 64.)
Global record functions
Global record commands, such as automated
punch-in/out recording, require the same
preparation as described in the previous section,
“Setting up MMC control in your sequencer”. As
long as you’ve made these preparations, your
sequencer’s global record functions will work fine
with the devices connected to the Digital
Device specific record functions
If you are a Macintosh user, you will probably find
ClockWorks to be the most convenient way to
control device-specific record functions. Just use
the buttons in the device’s information panel in
ClockWorks’ Sync/MMC window. You can easily
record-enable tracks with the row(s) of record
buttons provided, set track offsets, set the monitor
mode, etc.
Many sequencers allow you to record-enable tracks
on MMC devices remotely from the sequencer. If
yours does, you can get it to record-enable tracks
on devices connected to the Digital Timepiece,
such as ADATs and DA-88s.
How you set up remote control of track record-
enabling varies, of course, by product. Please see
your sequencer documentation for details.
However, the one important thing you need to
know is that you should use the ‘soft’ MMC device
IDs assigned to each device by the Digital
Timepiece. For complete information, see “Hard
versus soft IDs” on page 61.
The goal here is to get your sequencer to send
record-enable commands to a specific track on a
specific device connected to the Digital Timepiece,
such as the second ADAT in a chain of four ADATs.
If your sequencer doesn’t support these types of
features, you may want to consider contacting
Mark of the Unicorn for information about cross-
grades to Performer and Digital Performer.
Record-arming tracks in ClockWorks
If you are using a Macintosh, and you would prefer
to record-enable tracks using ClockWorks, here is
what to do:
Launch ClockWorks.
Set the MIDI Machine record mode in the MIDI
Machine window to Record.
Record-enable the desired track(s) in the MIDI
Machine window. You should see the record meters
engaged on the front panel of your MMC or video
If you are recording to a Sony-9-pin video deck,
choose the desired VTR recording mode. For
details about the record modes, see the
User’s Guide
Содержание Digital Timepiece
Страница 32: ...I N S T A L L A T I O N 32...
Страница 44: ...F R O N T P A N E L S E T T I N G S 44...
Страница 52: ...C O N V E R T I N G G E N E R A T I N G T I M E C O D E 52...
Страница 66: ...M I D I M A C H I N E C O N T R O L 66...
Страница 99: ...T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G 99...
Страница 101: ...I N D E X 101...