Figure 3-21: Before the Digital Timepiece, was available Audiomedia
would either run on its own internal clock or be driven by software
synchronization. The results were either drift or audio distortion.
The Digital Timepiece solves these drift problems
by supplying the Audiomedia card with a stable,
external word clock time base (via S/PDIF output
from the Digital Timepiece to the S/PDIF input of
the Audiomedia card.), along with resolved time
code, which is fed as MIDI Time Code (MTC) to
the software running the card. The Audiomedia
card slaves in perfect sync with the Digital
Timepiece via its S/PDIF input, which
continuously resolves the word clock time base.
And since the Digital Timepiece is providing these
synchronization services to all other devices as
well, the Audiomedia card can stay perfectly in
sync with all other devices, too.
Figure 3-22: The Digital Timepiece supplies stable, resolved S/PDIF
word clock to the Audiomedia card, along with MIDI Time Code.
Digital audio transfers
The second problem for Audiomedia users has
been successfully transferring audio digitally
between Audiomedia and other devices that are
slaved to their own word clock master. Before the
Digital Timepiece, this type of transfer would be
inconvenient because you would have to
temporarily make the other device slave to the
Audiomedia card for the transfer, which often
involves physically plugging and unplugging
cables. But the Digital Timepiece solves this
problem because both Audiomedia and the other
device can be connected to and slaved to the
Digital Timepiece at all times, even during digital
audio transfers between them.
A schematic example is shown in Figure 3-23
between the Audiomedia card and the Tascam
DA-88 via the Tascam IF-88AE format converter. A
similar arrangement could be made with Alesis
ADAT and Alesis AI-1 format converter.
The connections required for Figure 3-23 are
shown in Figure 3-20.
Figure 3-23: An example of making digital audio transfers to and
from a Digidesign Audiomedia card. In this example, both the Audio-
media card and the Tascam DA-88 multitrack recorder are slaved to
the Digital Timepiece. Transfers between the Audiomedia card and
the DA-88 are made possible by the Tascam IF-88AE format converter
(not shown).
Macintosh with Audiomedia card
running audio software
MIDI Time Code source
MIDI Time Code
Macintosh with Audiomedia card
running audio software
Digital Timepiece
S/PDIF word clock
MIDI Time Code
S/PDIF transfers
Tascam IF-88AE
format converter
Digital Timepiece
Macintosh with Audio-
media card running
audio software
DA-88 Sync
S/PDIF word clock
Audiomedia sync mode
set to ‘Digital’
Содержание Digital Timepiece
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