Here is an example: let’s say that you have just
installed your Digital Timepiece and you have
powered it up for the first time. Now it is time to
power up all of the devices connected to it. First,
you turn on your ADAT. It gets assigned soft ID 1.
Then you switch on your DA-88. It gets assigned
soft ID 2. Now, if you turn off the ADAT, its ID is
reserved. If you now turn on a third MMC device
with the ADAT still turned off, the third device will
be assigned soft ID 3, while ID 1 remains reserved
for the currently off-line ADAT.
Again, these ID assignment features are intended
to be automatic and of no concern to you as a user.
But it is good for you to know how soft ID
assignment is handled, in case a situation arises in
which you might need to purge IDs or otherwise
intervene manually. It also explains the ID
numbers you see in ClockWorks’ Sync/MMC
Reassigning soft IDs
To reassign soft IDs, you must first perform a hard
reset of the Digital Timepiece to clear all current
soft ID assignments.
To hard reset the Digital Timepiece and then
reassign all soft IDs:
Power off the Digital Timepiece.
Turn off all MMC devices connected to the
Digital Timepiece.
Hold down the SOURCE button on the Digital
Timepiece’s front panel.
While holding down the SOURCE button,
switch on the Digital Timepiece and keep holding
down the SOURCE button until the SMPTE frame
rate, Word rate, and Time Base mode LEDs become
steadily illuminated.
Now to reassign soft IDs, switch on the devices
connected to the Digital Timepiece in the order in
which you would like them assigned, waiting at
least 5 seconds between each device.
The following sections provide details for
connecting various types of devices as MMC slaves
to the Digital Timepiece.
Setting up ADATs (and compatibles)
ADATs are easy: all you have to do is connect them
as slaves to the Digital Timepiece. They do not
require any further preparation. The Digital
Timepiece takes care of setting their IDs and
establishing communication with them.
Setting up DA-88s
After you have connected a single DA-88 as a slave
to the Digital Timepiece, be sure to choose a hard
ID other than zero (0) using the ID “dial” on its rear
panel. (Zero is reserved for the master device in the
DA-88 chain, which in this case is the Digital
Timepiece.) If you have a chain of DA-88s
connected as slaves to the Digital Timepiece, make
sure that each one’s ID “dial” is set to a unique ID
number and than none of them are set to zero (0).
When these hardware ID preparations are made,
the Digital Timepiece will be able to successfully
assign a soft ID to each DA-88.
Setting up a DA-88 with an SY-88 sync card
If you are using the DA-88 as a SMPTE time code
master over the Digital Timepiece as shown in
Figure 3-13 on page 20 or Figure 3-14 on page 21,
then the SY-88 card serves as a master over the
Digital Timepiece. Therefore, instead of sending
MMC commands to the Digital Timepiece, you
need to send them to the SY-88 card. You can still
control your entire rig from your computer
software (or other MMC controller), but you’ll be
doing so via the SY-88 instead of the Digital
Timepiece, and the Digital Timepiece will simply
act as a time code slave to the SY-88 card.
Содержание Digital Timepiece
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Страница 99: ...T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G 99...
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