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Data Logging
1) Insert USB stick in USB port on the back of HMI display.
2) Click <DATA LOGGING> button, will show following screen( See Fig.11)
Fig.11 Data Logging
1) Click <START LOGGING> will start recording Set KW and ACT KW values for each
load bank at every 10 seconds. All values are stored in ‘csv’ format file having
following naming convention,
MultiLoad_MMDDYY_HHMMSS.csv e.g. MultiLoad_060917_155101.csv
2) Click <START LOGGING> will also start recording following values of load bank in
which USB stick is inserted at every 10 seconds.
Total KW, Average Voltage, Average Current, Frequency, Phase wise KW, Line
Voltage, Line current
All values are stored in ‘csv’ format file having following naming convention,
1000KW_MMDDYY_HHMMSS.csv e.g. 1000KW_060917_155611.csv