Manual LCO EXC3/ADV3 OTD | 03-2020 | 1.2 | en
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External temperature management (only EXC3)
ETM protects the LED module against thermal overstress.
An external temperature sensor (NTC) detects the LED module temperature and the LED Driver will limit the output current
according to this temperature:
If the temperature is between the limits T1 (normal condition) and T2 (overload), the LED output current will be decreased.
If the temperature exceeds the limit T3 (critical temperature), the device will switch to the shutdown level.
The shutdown level will be active until the module temperature decreases below T1 or until the LED Driver is restarted (switch off or
mains reset).
The allowed NTC resistor value is between 0 to 2 megaohm. By default there are three predefined values that can be set via
programming software, up to five individual values can be added.
The temperature sensor (NTC) is defined by two parameters, the resistance value at 25 °C (R25) and the sensor constant (BETA).
The LED module’s temperature is only measured if the output is active (lamp is on).