Manual LCO EXC3/ADV3 OTD | 03-2020 | 1.2 | en
Installation notes
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The results of different simulations can only be compared if all of the relevant factors are the same. The following points can
influence the results:
Tripping characteristic used for the circuit breakers
Definition used for the duration of the inrush current (Tridonic: 10-50 %)
Gear used for the measurement of the inrush current (especially important: Which electrolytic capacitor is installed in the
control gear?)
Considering a safety buffer (Tridonic: +20 % for the electrolytic capacitor )
Considering different system impedance
Switch-on point used: should always be at max. input voltage
Adopted cable lengths and cable data (Tridonic: Cable length 40 cm; Resistivity: 0.0172 ohm * mm / m; inductance: 5 nH /
cm; terminal resistance: 2 milliohm)
The modeling of the control gear is performed from the input to the bus voltage electrolytic capacitor . For inductance the
saturation values must be used.