Troubleshooting and diagnosis options
TR-Electronic GmbH 2007, All Rights Reserved
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TR - EMO - BA - DGB - 0013 - 00
Manufacturer-specific error codes continued
Error code
The first error code means that the decoded reduction positions are different
from the incrementally counted revolutions of the rotary encoder. The following
error codes are warnings for the reduction rotary encoders 1 to 4 and mean that
the adjustment is almost outside the permissible range.
This may be caused by failure to perform a reduction rotary encoder calibration.
If the error code still occurs after repeating and storing the calibration, the gear, a
gear sensor or a magnet is damaged.
The drive must be stopped immediately and replaced.
The error codes are deleted when it has been possible to successfully complete
the reduction rotary encoder calibration.
A message was lost because the previously received messages could not be
processed on time. If the message rate is too high, the baud rate can be
decreased in order to prevent this problem. However, if TPDOs are blocked due
to an overloaded CAN bus, the baud rate must be increased, or the TPDO
message rate must be reduced. For transmission types 254 and 255 the inhibit
time must be increased. Transmission types 0 to 239 must be increased, so that
more SYNC messages are omitted between two TPDO messages.
The error code is deleted immediately after the transmission.
The node has been switched to "Error Passive Mode" state, as too many errors
have occurred on the bus. This means that the node may only now send passive
error frames. The red bus error LED flashes at 1.6 second intervals.
Causes for this may be:
The bus lines are damaged, not connected or do not comply with the
CANopen cabling requirements in accordance with "CiA DR-302-1".
The bus terminating resistors are incorrectly set or the baud rate is too high.
Two messages with the same identifier or COB-ID and the same RTR bit
have collided on the bus. In this case, the arbitration (negotiation of media
access) no longer works and the message with the lowest priority is rejected.
If the data is not identical, both messages are rejected. New attempts would
fail for the same reason, therefore the node is switched to "Error Passive
Duplications of COB-IDs must be avoided at any rate, as they considerably
reduce the performance and safety of the bus. To prevent duplications, the node
addresses and also the configurable COB-IDs must therefore be checked.
The error code is deleted immediately after the transmission.