/ EN_ST-63_02 / 25. 03. 2020
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As impulse-, pedestrian-, close- and impulse-OPEN buttons pushbuttons or key switches as well as external
radio receivers with potential free make contacts can be used. As stop switch a break contact has to be used!!
In traffic light mode the impulse-, pedestrian-, close- and impulse-OPEN buttons are without any
Impulse button
KL1 30/32)
OPEN/STOP/CLOSE successive impulses
(factory setting):
an impulse of the impulse switch makes the motor start
opening/closing. If the impulse switch is actuated again during this opening-/closing movement, the motor stops.
With the next command of the impulse switch the motor moves in the opposite direction of the last gate movement
OPEN/CLOSE/OPEN successive impulses:
an impulse of the impulse switch makes the motor start opening/closing.
If the impulse switch is actuated again during this opening/closing movement, the travel direction is reversed.
In this operation mode it is not possible to stop the motor with the impulse switch – it always
moves until reaching an end position. (Opened or closed position).
• for the function OPEN/CLOSE/OPEN we strongly suggest the installation of a photocell!
Only opening commands are accepted by the impulse switch – closing the gate with the impulse switch is
not possible.
The motor opens as long as the impulse switch is pressed (hold) – closing the gate with the impulse
switch is not possible. As soon as the switch is released, the motor stops.
If hold to run operating mode is selected,
the radio receiver slot (FE) is set out of order for reasons of safety.
• If the impulse switch is set to DEAD MAN operation, then also all other buttons are in DEAD MAN mode.
With the impulse-, open- or the pedestrian button the gate is opened, with the CLOSE-button it is closed.
• IMPORTANT: Do not put into operation in dead man mode.
Select only after putting into operation
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, if desired.
Anschlüsse und Einstellungen
• A general status display of all inputs is available in menu DIAGNOSIS / STATUS DISPLAY.
2.6 Connections and adjustments
ST 63 control unit for folding and swing gates
Pedestrian button
(terminals KL1 30/34)
OPEN/STOP/CLOSE successive impulses:
An impulse of the pedestrian button makes the according gate leaf open/close. If the pedestrian button is actuated
again during this movement, the motor stops. With the next impulse the motor moves in opposite direction of the last
gate movement.
OPEN/CLOSE/OPEN successive impulses:
A command of the pedestrian button makes the according gate wing open/close. If the button is actuated again during
this movement, the travel direction is reversed.
In this operation mode it is not possible to stop the motor with the pedestrian button – it always
moves until reaching an end position. (Opened or closed position).
• for the function OPEN/CLOSE/OPEN we strongly suggest the installation of a photocell!
Only opening commands are accepted by the pedestrian button – closing the gate with the pedestrian button
is not possible.
The motor opens as long as the pedestrian button is pressed (hold) – closing the
gate with the pedestrian button is not possible. As soon as the button is released, the motor stops.
If hold to run operating mode is selected, the radio receiver slot (FE) is set out of order for reasons of safety.
The DEADMAN function can not be chosen actively but is set automatically as soon as the impulse
button is set to DEADMAN mode.
The single menu points are marked as shown below:
= possible adjustment (or value assignment)
= factory setting
= status display
marks the menu points which are contained in the BASIC SETTINGS
Before connection works or taking off the housing cover the power supply has to be turned off !
Follow safety instructions!
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