Home Automation Interface
By using your Magnia SG20 Home Automation interface, you are merging your home
automation and home data networks, making life easier, more efficient, and even more
The Home Automation Interface described in this section of the manual is designed to
work with a third party vendor’s Home Automation equipment. If you are interested in
obtaining Home Automation features which can be accessed using your Magnia SG20,
please contact a dealer / installer of compatible Home Automation equipment.
The Magnia SG20 Home Automation subsystem is designed to be connected to an
existing home automation installation. It is assumed that the Home Automation controller
and all automated devices are already installed and operational at the time the Magnia
SG20 is set up to communicate with the Home Automation controller. Typically, a
professional installer would perform this installation and setup.
Once the Home Automation system is installed and running, the Magnia SG20 can be
connected to the controller, to allow activation and configuration of the Magnia SG20
Home Automation interface.
The Magnia SG20 does not actually control home automation devices, but rather
communicates with existing home automation controllers (for example, when you use the
digital central interface to turn a light on, the SG20 sends the "light on" command to the
currently installed home controller, which in turn will turn the light on.) The SG20
currently supports a number of home controllers, including the following:
JDS Stargate Lite
JDS Time Commander Plus
JDS Comit
JDS Comit Star
The Magnia SG20 Home Automation interface supports a wide variety of the most
common automation devices. Specific supported devices appear in selection menus as
you configure the system. Other devices may be used, as long as they are 100%
compatible with a device listed in one of the configuration menus. Devices supported
NOTE: The Magnia SG20 Home Automation Interface supports PDA access.
Because of the difference between computer and PDA screen size and features,
some screens may appear different than the ones shown in this chapter. However,
the general features and abilities remain the same.