Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Control Sensors
Overview and Operation
The Micro-Master Touch supports a variety of control sensors. These sensors include Rules,
Aggregate Flow Meters, Flow Meters, Switch Inputs, Digital Sensors, Analogue Sensors, and Rain
Bucket Sensor.
Rules allow a number of sensors to be combined to produce logical outputs to allow sophisticated
control scenarios to be implemented.
Aggregate Flow Meters are an arithmetic combination of up to four flow meters.
Flow Meters are independent flow meters, which may use one of the Switch Sensors on the main
screen panel, or one of the Digital or Analogue Sensors located in one of the Expansion Module
Switch Sensors are the eight inputs located on the main screen panel.
Digital Sensors can be located in one of the Expansion Module positions and can be used as general
purpose inputs for use as a parameter in rules, or as a pulse flow meter.
Analogue Sensors can be located in one of the Expansion Module positions and can be used as
general purpose inputs for use as a parameter in rules or as an analogue flow meter.
Control Sensor Operation
Generally, each control sensor has similar action. With slight variations, a control sensor can either
be Idle (or Open), Active (or Closed), or Triggered. For example, a switch input and digital input will
be either open, or closed. Analogue Sensors, Aggregate Flow Meters and Flow Meters can be Idle (0
flow or value), Active when flow is detected, or triggered when a adjustable trigger point is reached.
Rules use a variety of inputs to produce an output that is either Idle, or Triggered. Inputs to rules can
be any other sensor, program, station, or system parameter. When all of the input conditions are
met, the rule is triggered. A triggered rule can be used as a control input start, reset, hold, or skip any
program or station. Rules can also be used to control various system parameters.