Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Trigger Value
The setting adjusts the flow rate (in l/m) at which the flow meter will become triggered. Selecting the
trigger button and clicking Edit will display the Number Edit screen.
Allocated Flow Meter
Shows the input the flow meter will use to calculate the flow rate. Clicking on Allocated Input will
select the item, changing the background of the item to light blue. Selecting the Allocated Input and
then clicking Edit will display the Control Selection screen.
Flow Meter Total Flow
This button shows the real time total flow for the Flow Meter. Selecting the total button and clicking
Edit or Clear will reset the total flow to zero.
Shows the number of samples the flow is averaged over. Selecting the limit button and clicking Edit
will display the Number Edit screen.
Update Rate
The setting adjusts the period of time between updates to the calculated flow rate. Selecting the
update button and clicking Edit will display the Number Edit screen.
Flow Meter Enabled
Flow Meters can be enabled or disabled. Clicking on the tick (cross) will change the Flow Meter to
disabled (enabled).