Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Next Program
Each program has an option to start another program when the program completes. This option
allows staggered programs without manually adjusting start times when runtimes are modified. An
example where this feature could be used is a situation where, in order to prevent nozzle blockage or
the formation of algal booms, a cleansing flush of clean water is sent through the lines after dirty or
recycled water has been used.
Day Table and Cycles
Each program has its own day table and cycle counts. Irrigation is based around a 14 day cycle.
For each day, three options can be selected.
1. No Irrigation
2. Irrigation Only
3. Irrigation with Chemical Injection
For each day, the required number of cycles can be set to between 1 and 99 cycles.
Eight starts times are available.
If a program is started manually (ie without a start time), the program will use the day table and cycle
counts to determine the required irrigation. If
Irrigation Only
, or
Irrigation with Chemical Injection
selected for the current day, then that mode will be used. If
No Irrigation
is selected for the current
day, the program will run irrigation only. If a number of cycles more than 0 is entered, the program
will run the entered number of cycles. If the number of cycles entered is zero, the program will run
Program Delays
The Micro-Master Touch controller has 4 different delays.
PreStart Delay
If set, a PreStart Delay begins at the set start time, or when start is pressed, or the Start Sensor input
is valid. If allocated, the program's Pump Set is started during the PreStart Delay. A PreStart Delay
is designed to allow systems which require pressurisation, or some other delay before the main
irrigation starts. An example would be a tank filling phase at the beginning of irrigation.
Station Delay
If set, a Station Delay is inserted between each station in a sequential program. In a grouping
program, the station delay is inserted between each station in the group. The Micro-MasterTouch
Controller attempts to maintain flow during a group change. If a Station Delay is set, the controller
will turn off 1 station from the current group, and turn on 1 station from the next group at the same
time. For example, if group 3 contains stations 1, 2, 3, and group 4 contains stations 7, 8, 9 and the
station delay is 5 seconds, at the conclusion of the runtime for group 3, the controller will turn off 1,
turn on 7, then delay 5 seconds, then turn off 2, turn on 8, delay another 5 seconds, and finally turn
off 3, turn on 9.
Group Delay
If a Group Delay is set, a delay is inserted between each group in the program.
Cycle Delay
If a Cycle Delay is set, and the irrigation requires more than 1 cycle, a delay is inserted between the
conclusion of the last station group and the commencement of the first station group in the next