Micro-Master Touch User Guide
© 2014 Toro Australia Pty Ltd
Ver 1.2, June 2014
Expansion Module Configuration
Each expansion module in the Master Unit (except expansion module 1) or a Remote Unit can be
replaced in the field by a Radio-Master for Touch Field Module. The Expansion Module configuration
screen allows selection of the expansion module. Selecting edit will display a list of available
Radio-Master for Touch addresses. Selecting the scan option on the address screen will search the
controller network for all Radio-Master for Touch Field Modules.
Selecting a radio designates the selected field module as a replacement for the expansion module. If
an expansion module has been replaced by a field module, the expansion module in the master or
remote unit becomes inoperable. If an Expansion Module in position 1 is replaced by a field module,
no communication with a Remote Unit will be possible. Hence it is possible to have up to four radio
expansion modules forming a virtual remote unit, without the need for a physical Remote Unit. When
Radio-Master for Touch Field Modules are added to a controller, it is recommended that field
modules remain separate from Remote Units. For example, if an installation has a Master Unit and 1
Remote Unit (Unit 1), then Field Modules should be added as Unit 2/Module 1 etc.
Access PIN Numbers
The controller supports two options for restricting access to levels of functionality in the controller.
Once entered, a valid PIN is active for a user configurable time period. The default time period is 60
minutes. If a PIN is required, the user is directed to the PIN Entry screen.
Limited access allows users to view the status of the various subsystems in the controller, and to
control single station and programs.
Full access allows users access to all areas of the controller. Only users with full access can change
the PIN numbers.
If a PIN number is forgotten, please contact Toro Technical Services for assistance.
Communication Options
The controller supports a number of communication options for connection to outside computing
resources. These options are USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet, WiFi, and GPRS/GSM/Analogue
Depending on the communication module option installed will determine the parameters available for
The Ethernet and WiFi communication modules support DHCP address resolution. The WiFi module
supports WPA, WEP, and WPA2 encryption.
The Micro-Master Touch controller contains a variety of diagnostic tools, for isolating faults in the
front panel. The ability to produce a log file on an attached USB flash storage device can provide
important information regarding the current operation of the controller.