12. Disposing Procedure
When disposing of the membrane after use, please follow below general procedure.
(1) Clean up the membrane module with water. After that it is better to dry up the module for
your easy handling.
(2) Dispose of the module or each constituent following local regulation for waste disposal
(landfill, incineration...). When required by regulation, disassemble the module and
segregate its constituent accordingly (e.g. combustible/incombustible).
(3) Regarding membrane, do not burn it without appropriate facilities since harmful
Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) gas will be generated during incineration. If it needs to be
incinerated, please apply a service of a qualified waste disposing company.
Don't burn the membranes without appropriate facilities since
harmful Hydrogen fluoride (HF) gas is generated at burning.
When dispose membranes, please apply a service of a qualified
waste disposing company.