The standard filtration pattern time chart, the schematic flow diagram of the membrane
filtration, the layout of “TMR090 Series” modules in the membrane submerged tank, and the
piping procedures are described in this section. These would help you design the membrane
filtration process with “TMR090 Series”.
1. Standard Filtration Pattern
Two kinds of the filtration patterns are available with "TMR090 Series". Usually intermittent
filtration (filtration with relaxation) is adopted and details are shown below, whereas
sometimes simple continuous filtration can also be applied. In both cases aeration shall be
done continuously while filtrating.
In the case of the intermittent filtration, the filtration is suspended (“relaxed”) for a short
period at certain intervals while the scouring air continues, as shown in Fig. IV-1. While the
filtration is suspended, the membrane surface is cleaned up more effectively with the
scouring air due to the absence of suction. Although the automatic system control for
periodical start and stop of the filtration is required, the intermittent filtration is recommended
for stable and efficient membrane filtration. The recommended time cycle for the intermittent
filtration is 9-minute filtration and 1-minute relaxation.
Please stop the scouring air when the filtration operation stops except for the following
1) Each relaxation period in case of applying intermittent filtration.
2) In case that the plant operation stops for a while, aeration is applicable for mixing or
aeration demand, however, the flow rate should be controlled minimal.
Fig.IV-1 Recommended Time Cycle for Intermittent Filtration
Air diffusion
Filtration: 9 min.
Relaxation: 1 min.
Cycle of 10 minutes
F1: Average flow rate for treatment capacity
and membrane area calculation
F2: Filtration flow rate for suction pump
capacity calculation