TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
commands for standard waveform test.
The *IDN? query returns the TH2883’s ID information.
Query syntax: *IDN?
Return format: <product>,<version>,<NL^END>
<product> TH2883-5 Impulse Winding Tester
<version> software version number
Error and warning message
The bus commands may have some spelling errors, syntax errors or wrong parameters. TH2883
executes a command after the command is analyzed. If one of above errors occurs, TH2883 halts
the command analysis, and the rest commands will be ignored. If a command (for example a
trigger command is ignored.) is ignored, the rest commands will be executed. The error and
warning messages will be displayed on the system message line.
The following table shows the common error and warning messages, which will be displayed on
the message line when they occur.
Error message
Unknown message!
Unknown command is received. Usually there is a spelling error in the
For example: TRG should be TRIG
Data out of range!
The data is out of range.
For example: COMParator: DIFFzone: RANGe <start pot, end pot>
If start pot>end pot, it will report this error.
Error parameter!
Unrecognizable parameter is used.
For example: TRIG:SOUR INTER, INTER is not the correct short-form
and should not used.
Error unit suffix!
Units are unrecognizable, or the units are not correct.
For example: IVOLT:DEL 200us, us can not be the unit of the impulse
Data too long!
Data is too long.
For example: The number of characters for a file name can not exceed
12 characters and numeric parameter, 10 characters.
File not exist!
Load a file that is not available.
Out of file range!
Data exceeds file number range
For example: WrtCmd ("MMEM:STOR:STAT 105,"#TH2883*")
105 is beyond the range of the file serial number, and the maximum