TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
test step.
Command syntax: MeasSTEP: STEP<setup>
<setup> is as follows: ADD adds a test step
DEL reduces one test step
UP returns to the previous test step
DOWN returns to the next test step
For example: WrtCmd ("MeasSTEP:STEPADD"); add a test step.
Query syntax: MeasSTEP:STEP ?
The query returns: <NR1><NL^END>
<NR1> represents the current test step number.
The :MODE command is used to set the test mode; the :MODE? command is used to query the
current test mode.
Command syntax: MeasSTEP: MODE<mode>
<mode> is as follows: TESTMODE Normal test mode
BDVMODE Destructive test mode
For example: WrtCmd ("MeasSTEP:MODETESTMODE"); set the test mode to normal test mode.
Query syntax: MeasSTEP: STEP ?
The query returns: <NR1><NL^END>
<NR1> represents the current test step mode, with 0 representing TESTMODE and 1 representing
The :CH<N> command is used to set the channel status. The :CH<N>? command is used to query
the status of the current channel.
Command syntax: MeasSTEP:CH<N><status>
<status> is as follows: HIGH sets the channel to test high end
LOW sets the channel to test the low end
CLOSE set channel off
For example: WrtCmd ("MeasSTEP: CH1HIGH"); set CH1 to test high end.
Query syntax: MeasSTEP:CH<N> ?
The query returns: <status><NL^END>
<status> is as follows: HIGH indicates that this channel is the test high end
LOW means this channel is the low end of the test
CLOSE indicates that this channel is closed for testing