TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
NOTE: TH2883 returns the comparison result when the comparator is turned on. TH2883
returns 9.9E37 when the AREA SIZE, DIFF ZONE or PHASE DIFF comparator is turned off.
TH2883 returns 9999 when the CORONA comparator is turned off.
The :VOLTage? query returns the current voltage value in the set voltage range. Refer to MEASure
subsystem commands for the voltage range settings.
Query syntax: FETCh:VOLTage?
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
NOTE: The unit of the returned voltage is V.
The :FREQuency? query returns the current frequency result in the set frequency range. Refer to
MEASure subsystem commands for the frequency range settings.
Query syntax: FETCh:FREQuency?
Return format: <NR3><NL^END>
NOTE: The unit of the returned frequency is Hz. If the start point is overlapped with the
end cursor completely, then 9.9E37 will be returned.
The TIME? query returns the current time result in the set time range. Refer to MEASure
subsystem commands for the time range settings.
Query syntax: FETCh:TIME?
Return format: <NR3><NL^END>
NOTE: The unit of the returned time is s.
The :STATistic? query returns the current statistic result.
Query syntax: FETCh:STATistic?
Return format: <NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1>,
<NR1>, <NL^END>
The returned data are in turn as follows: total test times and times of PASS, total test times for Area
Size comparison and times of PASS, total test times for Diff Zone comparison and times of PASS,
total test times for Corona comparison and times of PASS, total times for Phase Diff comparison
and times of PASS. PASS rate can be automatically calculated according to the returned data.
8.3.10 MEASure subsystem commands
The MEASure subsystem commands sets the measurement range of voltage, frequency and time.
Figure 8-11 shows the MEASure subsystem command tree.