TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 5 Introduction to [SETUP]
is selected, Step No. is available.
Lighten this key to enable the numerical arrow key. Respectively press 8, 2, 4, 6, the
cursor will move up, down, left and right.
5.3.3 Std.Name-available in Sample mode
Std.Name is displayed when the mode is Sample, it is invalid in other mode.
Input Press this key, input the filename and press the ENTER key to save it. If giving
up operation halfway, press ESC softkey to quit. If user press the ENTER
button without entering the file name, the file will be saved as the default
name-<Unnamed>. Pressing ESC can exit the operation of saving file. Letters
from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, and underline, etc. can be used for a file
Enter rules: Pressing a numeric key, the corresponding letters or
characters will be displayed on the screen. If user wants to input a number,
the numeric key should be pressed again. While a letter or character is
needed, then the soft key corresponding to the letter or the character
should be pressed.
Lighten this key to enable the numerical arrow key. Respectively press 8, 2, 4, 6, the
cursor will move up, down, left and right.
5.3.4 Step NO.-available in SW.Copy
Other step name that can be selected is displayed as Step.XX. For example, Step.01 indicates that
the user chooses the first step, Step.02 indicates that the user chooses the second step......and so
on. In SW.Copy mode, the displayed Step No. is of the step needs to copy the the standard
waveform. In TW.Copy mode, the displayed Step No. is of the step needs to make a comparison.
Step NO. is displayed in SW.Copy or TW.Copy mode, it is invalid in other mode.
Back Select the previous step to make SW. Copy or TW.Copy test.
Next Select the latter step to make SW. Copy or TW.Copy test.
Lighten this key to enable the numerical arrow key. Respectively press 8, 2, 4, 6, the
cursor will move up, down, left and right.
Int. File
TH2883 series can save parameters that are set by user to the internal non-volatile memory in file
format. User can load the file to use these parameters instead of resetting. The internal memory
can store 100 groups of files including files of measure parameters, compare parameters, etc.
Figure 5-3 shows the page of internal file.