TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
8.3.5 TRIGger subsystem commands
The TRIGger subsystem command group is used to trigger a measurement or to set the trigger
mode. Figure 8-6 shows the TRIGger subsystem command tree.
Figure 8-6 TRIGger subsystem command tree
The [:IMMediate] command triggers a measurement.
Command syntax: TRIGger[:IMMediate]
For example: WrtCmd( “TRIG” );
NOTE: The TRIGger[:IMMediate] command, available only in the <MEAS DISP> page,
will be ignored when TH2883 is in the testing state. The trigger mode must be set to BUS
mode, or this command will be ignored. This command is only used to trigger the test of DUT.
Refer to Standard WAVE subsystem commands for the details of triggering standard
waveform test.
The :SOURce command sets the trigger mode. The :SOURce? query returns the current trigger
Command syntax:
Triggered by pressing the START button or using foot control switch
EXTernal Triggered by the HANDLER interface.
INTernal Automatically triggered after pressing the START button.
BUS Triggered by RS232 interface, USB or LAN interface.
For example: WrtCmd(“TRIG:SOUR BUS”); set to bus mode.
Query syntax: TRIGger:SOURce?
Return format: