TH2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
Figure 8-3 IVOLTage subsystem command tree
The [:VOLTage] command sets the impulse voltage for testing. The [:VOLTage]? query returns the
current impulse voltage value.
Command syntax:
IVOLTage [:VOLTage] <value>
<value> can be NR1, NR2 or NR3 format followed by KV or V and the value must be
between100V to 5000V.
Set the impulse voltage to 100V.
Set the impulse voltage to 5000V.
For example: WrtCmd( “IVOLT:VOLT 1000V” ); set the impulse voltage to 1000V.
Query syntax: IVOLTtage:[VOLTage]?
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
The :BVOLTage command sets parameters for Break Test. The :BVOLTage? query returns the
current voltage for Break Test.
Command syntax:
IVOLTage:BVOLTage <value1, value2, value3>
<value1, value2, value3> can be NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format or parameters followed by KV, V
suffix, the set pulse voltage value is between 100V-5000V, but the value of value1 must be greater
than The value of value2; the value of value3 is between 1 and 50, representing the step percentage
from value1 to value2.
For example: WrtCmd( “IVOLT:BVOLT 1000V, 3000V, 4” ); set the start voltage to 1000V, end
voltage to 3000V and voltage step is 4%.
Query syntax: IVOLT:BVOLT?
Return format: <NR1>,<NR1>,<NR1><NL^END>
The :TIMPulse command sets the average times for testing. The :TIMPulse? query returns the
current average times.
Command syntax: IVOLTage:TIMPulse <number>
<nmber> is NR1 format ranging from 1 to 32.
For example: WrtCmd( “IVOLT: TIMPulse 3” ); set the average times to 3.