Rev A Feb 2020
Page 16
Chapter 3 Installation
3.6 Verifying Software Operation
The APT Software should be installed (Section 3.1.) and the controller connected to
the actuators (see Section 3.4.) and the PC, before verifying software operation.
1) Run the APTUser utility and check that the Graphical User Interface (GUI) panel
appears and is active.
Fig. 3.5 GUI panel showing jog and ident buttons
2) Click the ‘Ident’ button. The display on the top panel of the associated controller
flashes. This is useful in multi-channel systems for identifying which unit is
associated with which GUI.
3) Click the green Enable button next to the main display to enable the drive channel.
4) Click the jog buttons on the GUI panel to move the actuator associated with the
selected unit. The step count display for the associated GUI should increment and
decrement accordingly.
Follow the tutorial described in Chapter 5 for further guidance on basic operation.
3.7 Automatic Temperature Control During High Frequency Operation
During high frequency operation over a prolonged period of time, the unit can
become quite hot. During this operation, the unit temperature is continually
monitored by an internal sensor circuit. If the heat generated becomes
excessive, the internal circuit may trip and reduce the drive frequency until the
unit has cooled down. In extreme operating conditions the unit may be disabled
and an error message generated on the top panel.