_______________________ Finnigan LTQ Hardware Manual _________________________
300 V power supply
location (figure), 6-5
4-pin feedthroughs
location (figure), 2-27, 2-28
8 kV power supply
location (figure), 6-5
replacing, 6-5
8-pin feedthroughs
location (figure), 2-27, 2-28
accessory kit
replaceable parts, 7-18
accumulation, 4-22
air leaks
checking for, 3-4
analyzer region, vacuum manifold
description, 2-25
anode, electron multiplier
description, 2-21
replacing, 4-39
APCI probe
flushing, 3-6, 4-7
maintenance, 4-10
orthogonal geometry, 1-7
APCI sample tube
replacing, 4-10
APCI source
on/off status (table), 5-14
API source
control circuitry, 2-35
description, 2-10
Ion Max, 2-11
ion source interface, 2-12
maintenance overview, 4-7
on/off status (table), 5-14
applied, 2-35
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)
APCI process (figure), 1-9
discussed, 1-7
atmospheric pressure ionization (API) source, 2-10
atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI)
discussed, 1-10
energetics (figure), 1-11
molecular polarity range (figure), 1-4
molecular weight range (figure), 1-4
selective photoionization (figure), 1-11
description, 2-3
startup, 5-7
TSP AS, 2-3
auxiliary gas
description, 2-31
flow rates, APCI, 2-31
flow rates, ESI, 2-31
on/off status (table), 5-14
Breadth Focus
in Ion Tree experiment, discussion, 1-23
replaceable parts, 7-16
checking (note), 3-1
frequency (note), 3-1
capillary-skimmer region, vacuum manifold
description, 2-25
cathode, electron multiplier
description, 2-21
APCI vaporizer high temperature, 3-9
chemical disposal, 4-5
fuse replacement, 6-4
ion source interface temperature, 4-13, 4-15
nitrogen supply, 3-2
PCB replacement, 6-7
changing API probes, 5-3
fuse replacement, 6-4
solvent waste backing into ion source housing, 4-19
venting ESI source, 4-19
air leaks, 3-4
forepump power, 2-30
MS detector covers, 2-31
centroid scan
defined, 1-18
charge state
determined by ZoomScan, 1-17
disposal of (CAUTION), 4-5
chemicals kit
replaceable parts, 7-22
cleaning procedures
APCI probe components, 4-10
APCI probe, flushing, 3-6, 4-7
API probe, 3-6, 4-7
conversion dynode, 4-36
electron multiplier, 4-36
ESI probe, flushing, 3-6, 4-7
fan filter, 4-44
frequency, 4-6
ion detection system, 4-36
ion sweep cone, 3-9, 4-7
ion transfer capillary, 3-8, 4-7
lenses L1, 4-28
Q0 and Q1 ion guides, 4-28
Q00 ion guide, 4-22
sample transfer line, 3-6, 4-7
sample tube, 3-6, 4-7
skimmer, 4-13
sweep cone, 3-8