Thermo Scientific TZ-32 Zonal Rotor
General Description — 39
5. 4.
Operational Checkpoints
5. 4. 1. Setting of sample temperature and rotor temperature
Make the temperature of injecting sample and density gradient solution and the setting temperature of a rotor when
spinning as equal as possible. If not, following problems may occur:
1. When the temperature of injecting solution is lower than the temperature of the spinning rotor:
Because of the temperature rise of the solution injected into the rotor, the volume expands and the pressure inside
the rotor increases.The push button of the cap assembly cannot be pushed down and the cap cannot be removed.
As the result, it is impossible to unload. Following table shows the quantities of increased volumes when using the
TZ-32 rotor and water as sample.
Temperature Rise
Increase of Volume
5 °C
15 °C, 10 K
1.5 ml
5 °C
25 °C, 20 K
5.0 ml
While operating at 3000 rpm, cool the rotor to the temperature when the solution is injected to the rotor. Then try to
remove the cap again. If it is still difficult, stop running the rotor and push down the push button hard, then remove
the cap.
2. When the temperature of Injecting solution is higher than the temperature of the spinning rotor:
Because of the temperature fall of the solution injected into the rotor the volume decreases and the inside of the rotor
becomes a negative pressure status. The cylinder of the cap assembly and the pushbutton are sucked up to the rotor
shaft. As the result, the cap cannot be removed. The decreases of volumes are the same values of the increases of
volumes shown in the above table.
Remove the cap while operating at 3000 rpm. If still difficult, rise the temperature of the rotor to the temperature
when the solution is injected while operating at 3000 rpm and try to remove the cap again.
Precautions on mounting the seal assembly Wipe the spinning Rulon seal surface with a tissue paper moistened
with water lightly just before mounting the seal assembly. This prevents the Rulon seal from wearing abnormally and
makes the cap removal easier Keep the seal assembly as horizontal as possible and center it visually. Lower the seal
assembly vertically onto the Rulon seal surface and mount it quickly taking care not to hit the adapter on the Rulon
seal surface. Never incline the seal assembly when mounting. If the seal assembly is mounted in inclined condition,
the tip of the adapter made of Delrin may hit the Rulon surface and the Rulon may be faulty. The flow resistance of
extraction pipe must not be large. The diameter of the extraction pipe must not be small and the length must not be
long. The flow cell of the UV monitor must not be a micro flow cell .
5. 4. 2. Precautions on loading and unloading
1. Do not feed bubbles into the rotor at loading
In the pipe connection, provide bubble eliminating equipment to the position just before the seal
Be sure to clamp the pipe to keep the no-bubble status up to the exit of the contact body of the seal
assembly on all occasions and setting is carried out.
Table 8
Increase of Volume