Chapter 1: Appliance Hardware Functions
With the air filter exposed, it is easy to grasp the mesh with fingers and tug it free. The mesh is flexible and is
held in its cavity only by friction. If it is dusty, handle carefully so as not to dislodge any dirt that could then be
sucked in by the fans.
To clean the filter, either blow it out with compressed air (away from the vicinity of the appliance), or rinse
with water. If using water, ensure that the mesh is dry before reinstalling.
To reinstall the mesh, place it in its cavity in front of the fans, and use fingers or a blunt tool to tuck-in the
Then, replace the lattice in front of the mesh by inserting the tabs first, then swinging the lattice closed like a
door, and securing with the knurled screw.
Replacing a Fan
The three fan modules (each containing two in-line fans) provide cooling redundancy. If one fan or module
fails, it is detected by sensors. View a summary of appliance sensor conditions by running the LunaSH
status sensors
. In the FAN section of the command output, the fans are listed in the order that they
appear, left-to-right, as viewed from the front of the appliance. The example shows a fault with the first fan
SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7.3 Appliance Administration Guide
007-013576-005 Rev. A 13 December 2019 Copyright 2001-2019 Thales