Chapter 1: Appliance Hardware Functions
After slight initial resistance, the fan module should easily slide free of the appliance.
To replace the fan module or install a new one, reverse the above sequence.
The index peg on the back of the module, and the matching index hole at the back of the fan bay, ensure
that the module can be inserted only in its proper orientation.
Close up, replace the bezel, reconnect any cables, and return the appliance to service. If the power was left
on during the operation, you will nevertheless need to restart (
sysconf appliance reboot
) in order to clear
the tamper event caused by opening the fan bay.
You will also need to re-Activate your HSM Partitions (
partition activate -partition
so that they once more become available to your registered clients.
Removing, cleaning, and replacing the fan filter (the black mesh behind the grille) does not cause a tamper,
and can be done at any time without disrupting your Clients.
Opening the fan bay (behind the filter), by unscrewing that Torx screw, does cause a tamper and therefore
some down-time for your Clients. If only one fan module is showing a defect, you can probably leave replacing
it until scheduled down-time, during which there would be no unexpected disruption to your Clients.
SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7.3 Appliance Administration Guide
007-013576-005 Rev. A 13 December 2019 Copyright 2001-2019 Thales