Chapter 2: Client Connections
To bond eth0 and eth1 to the bond0 or eth2 and eth3 to the bond1 virtual interface:
Use the command
"network interface bonding config" on page 1
to specify a static IP address, subnet mask,
and gateway for the bonded interface.
To avoid breaking the NTLS connection to the appliance, ensure that the IP address
you specify for the bonded interface is the IP address used for the current NTLS connection.
For bond0 use the IP address for eth0 or eth1. For bond1 use the IP address for eth2 or eth3.
Use the command
"network interface bonding enable" on page 1
to enable the bonded interface.
Client Startup Delay Across Mixed Subnets
Where a client computer and SafeNet Luna Network HSM are on different networks, any application (for
example, our multitoken utility, or your client application program) that is started on the client computer takes
20 seconds (the NTLS network timeout) to start up. Once running, the application operates normally. On
SafeNet Luna Network HSM, an error is logged.
When both SafeNet Luna Network HSM and client are on the same subnet, the connection occurs without
SSH Public-Key Authentication
In its default configuration, the SafeNet appliance Administrator account (userid admin) uses standard
password authentication (userid/password). You can also choose to use Public Key-based Authentication for
SSH access. The relevant commands to manage Public Key Authentication are described
Public Key Authentication to a SafeNet Appliance Using UNIX SSH Clients
The following is an example exercise to illustrate the use of Public-Key Authentication.
From any UNIX client, generate a public key identity to be used for authentication to the SafeNet appliance:
[root@mypc /]# ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
6e:7a:7e:e1:2a:54:8f:99:3e:6a:56:f8:38:22:fb:a6 root@pinky
Two files are created, a private key file (which stays on the client) and a public key file that we now securely
copy (
) to the SafeNet appliance.
SSH to the SafeNet appliance and verify that the default functionality is a password prompt:
[root@mypc /]# ssh admin@myLuna
admin@myLuna's password:
the client’s public key to the appliance:
SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7.3 Appliance Administration Guide
007-013576-005 Rev. A 13 December 2019 Copyright 2001-2019 Thales