Chapter 1: Appliance Hardware Functions
Displays the current IP address configuration of the Ethernet ports on the appliance.
If a port is configured, its IP address is displayed. If the port is not configured, the string "not configured" is
displayed. This section automatically cycles between ports eth0 and eth1, and ports eth2 and eth3.
The icons indicate the connection status of the port, as follows:
An Ethernet cable is connected to the port.
An Ethernet cable is not connected to the port.
Automatically cycles between displaying the following information:
Software (SW) and firmware (FW) versions currently installed on the appliance
Appliance host name
HSM label and HSM serial number
Displays the current appliance state and status codes, as detailed in
The icon shading indicates the appliance state, as follows:
The appliance state is normal, indicated by dark text on a light background.
The appliance state is not normal, indicated by light text on a dark background.
Appliance State and Status Codes
The bottom section of the LCD displays the current appliance state and related status codes. The state can be
one of the following.
In Service Operational. The appliance is operating normally.
All services are running and the appliance is providing encryption/signing services as expected.
In Service Trouble. The appliance is operational, but is experiencing a fault condition.
The required services are operational and the appliance is able to provide encryption/signing services, but
some services, such as SSH, are not running.
Out of Service. The appliance is not operational.
The appliance is online but one or more required services are not operational. The appliance is not providing
Offline. There is no network connectivity to the appliance.
In this service state the appliance is not currently connected to the network and cannot provide service.
Status Codes
Each state is associated with one or more status codes, which provide additional information about the status
of the appliance. For example, if there are no faults detected, the display indicates that the appliance is in
service (ISO), with status code 0, so the display reads "ISO 0."
SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7.3 Appliance Administration Guide
007-013576-005 Rev. A 13 December 2019 Copyright 2001-2019 Thales