Revision 7.10
11. Theory of Operation
This section explains important aspects of Dock Server and Glider Terminals’ operation.
11.1 When Does a Glider Icon turn Red, Green, or Yellow
Glider Terminal displays a colored icon to the left of each glider shown in the glider tree.
The icon’s color indicates the communication state of its corresponding glider. Table
111 details these states.
Icon Color
Glider Terminal is in communication with Dock Server but Dock
Server is NOT in communication with the corresponding glider.
Red indicates no call is inprogress between Dock Server and the
glider. The glider may be turned off, under water, or out of freewave
The user can NOT send commands to the glider.
Glider Terminal is in communication with Dock Server and Dock
Server is in communication with the corresponding glider.
Green indicates the glider is currently connected to Dock Server by
iridium or freewave.
The user can send commands to the glider and view glider output.
The network connection that transports the corresponding glider’s
output to Glider Terminal and glider commands to Dock Server is
down, or the glider’s corresponding Dock Server is not running. Or,
in very rare cases, this Dock Server has no available network
connections to service additional Glider Terminal requests. The
connection status between this Dock Server and the glider is
The user can NOT send commands to the glider.
Table 111. Glider icon colors in Glider Terminal.
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