Revision 7.10
3. Pick the desired serial port and click on its serial port tree node. This action opens a
serial port tab that displays characters received from this port and allows users to enter
characters to send.
4. Click in the serial port tab’s text area and enter characters to send to the serial device.
Figure 52. Serial Port Perspective showing the tab for /dev/ttyUSB0.
A serial port’s status and configuration is shown in the serial port tree and along the
bottom of its tab. The icon next to a serial port node represents that port's carrier detect
line. Green icons indicate a “line high” or active status; red icons indicate a “line low” or
inactive status. If the serial port node's text appears black, it was successfully opened
on the Dock Server; red text indicates the serial port failed to open.
If Dock Server knows that a specific glider is attached to a serial port, the serial port
perspective displays that glider’s name following the port’s name in the serial port tree
and in the port’s tab title. Otherwise, “unknown” is displayed. That is, Dock Server
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Serial Port Node
Serial Port Tab for /
Text area for serial data
output and input.
Serial port status and
Carrier Detect