Revision 7.10
4. If upgrading from TeledyneWebb Research's application repository, browse to the URL Right click
on the file “gmc.repo” and select “Save Link As…” Using the SaveAs dialog, save
gmc.repo in the folder /etc/yum.repos.d.
If upgrading from CD media, copy the file gmc.repo from the CD's rpmrepository folder
to the folder /etc/yum.repos.d.
5. Open a terminal window by selecting Applications / System Tools / Terminal from the
menu bar.
6. If upgrading from TeledyneWebb Research's application repository, enter the following
commands at the terminal window prompt. Type the enter key after each command.
#yum disablerepo=* enablerepo=GMC install gmcoutofbandtools
#gmcinstall nojava production
If upgrading from CD media, enter the following commands at the terminal window
prompt. Type the enter key after each command.
#yum disablerepo=* enablerepo=GMCmediacd install gmcoutofbandtools
#gmcinstall nojava production
7. Once the installs have completed, close the terminal window by entering “exit” followed
by the enter key.
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