Revision 7.10
# have the glider wake the remote system
send 60 "\r"
expect 60 "login:"
# send the user_id
send 60 "zippy_the_glider\r"
expect 60 "password:"
# send the password
send 60 "zippys_password\r"
# wait for any signon message and prompt to clear
# before making the Iridium port serve as an active glider console.
expect 60 "Ready> "
# If we get here the iridium will become a 2nd console
# for the shore-based system's use.
= Error handling details =================================================
Script syntax: The glider will look for a script file whenever devices are
into service and iridium is in service.
If a script file exists (hardcoded to config\loginexp.<n>) it is immediately
parsed and displayed to the user, along with any errors.
Any syntax errors will thus display before the Iridium is the primary means
for communicating with the glider. Syntax errors will trigger "loud" oddity
messages but the Iridium will remain in service, and users will get
another reminder of the error via
PARSE ERROR IN "loginexp.<n>"
messages whenever the Iridium connects.
Script logic mismatch with remote system: If the iridium connects OK,
but the script can't successfully get to the LOGGED_ON state,
the glider will upload its connection script status to the shore-based
(e.g. I got "login:" OK. I sent my username "zippy" but timed out
pending "password:").
= Changing a script =====================================================
A new login script can be activated from GliderDOS by
1. uploading a new c:\config\loginexp.<n> file.
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