Revision 7.10
Other Plots menu selections are as follows:
Plots/Clear Plot, which clears the currently displayed plot from the display.
Plots/Clear Sensor, which clears the currently selected sensor from the display.
Plots/Reset Plot, which resets the xaxis to its original span (i.e zooms out).
Plots/Delete Plot, which deletes the plot from the Plot combobox.
Plots/Lines/Points, which toggles between displaying
the selected sensor
data using
lines or points.
Plots/Write to File, which writes the displayed data (in XML format) to a file.
8.5.3 Constraining Displayed Data
By default, all data for a selected sensor will be displayed. However, a user may only be
interested in data between certain dates (e.g covering a particular mission period)
without having to continually zoomin. To help with this, displayed data can be filtered
by date, in the same way that Glmpc terminal filters displayed glider surface positions
by date. To set the earliest recorded day for which sensor data is displayed, use the
following steps.
Select Dates/Set plot start date. A datepicker dialog will then appear (shown in
Figure 86), enabling the user to select a date.
Either select a date, or simply close the dialog by selecting the topright ‘X’. In both
cases the datepicker dialog closes. Selecting a date will ensure that no data recorded
earlier than that date will be displayed, while selecting ‘X’ results in no such
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