Revision 7.10
With a phone call to Iridium or with a configuration change in the networking Firewall, all
Glider data can be diverted to any RUDICS Dock Server in the world with an Internet
connection. To move a PSTN Dock Server requires installation of new phone lines and
12.2.6 Initial Cost
PSTN/RUDICS equivalent: Probably not a lot different.
The initial establishment of an Iridium RUDICS account requires a onetime payment to
open the account.
A PSTN Dock Server requires the purchase of a modem and the installation of phone
12.2.7 Recurring Cost
RUDICS superior: Your mileage may vary depending on your Iridium Provider.
The cost for the Iridium air time is the dominant recurring cost factor. In general,
RUDICS air time costs less than PSTN air time.
PSTN connections sometimes require an additional perminute charge to the PSTN
vendor, e.g. Verizon, ATT.
The fixed monthly charges to the Iridium Provider probably don't vary much between
RUDICS and PSTN. There is a monthly charge to the PSTN vendor for the phone line
which is not required for RUDICS.
12.2.8 Real World Experience
PSTN superior: No contest.
As of this writing, PSTN Iridium Gliders have more than 100,000 Kilometers in the water
compared to about 5 Kilometers for RUDICS.
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