Tektronix 434 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19

O perating  In s tru c tio n s —434

E N H A N C E   L E V E L  

Provides  a  selectable  increase  in 

w ritin g   speed  c a p a b ility   fo r  single­

sweep  displays.  E ffective  o n ly   when 
e ither  o r  b o th   E N H A N C E   push- 

b u tto n s  are depressed.

IN T E G R A T E  

A   p u sh b u tto n   switch  th a t  perm its
s to r a g e   o f   very  fast  re p e titive  
signals  by  allow ing  the  w ritin g -g u n  

beam  to   accum ulate  charges  on  the 
target  w h ile   the  flood-gun  beams 
are  turned  o ff.


The  setting  o f   the  A S T IG   a d ju stm e n t  sho u ld   be


c o rre c t  fo r   any  display.  However,  fin e   a d ju stm e n t  o f


A S T IG   fo r   a  specific  IN T E N S IT Y   setting  m ay  be




C onnect  the  o u tp u t  o f  the  PROBE  C A L   0.6  V   1  kH z 

jack  to   either channel  in p u t and  set  the  V O L T S /D IV   switch 

o f  th a t  channel  to   present  a  three-division  display.  Set  the 
vertical  M ODE  sw itch  to   display  the  channel  selected.


A   p u sh b u tto n   switch  th a t  unblanks
the  CRT  and  provides  a visible  in d i­

cation  o f  the  p o sitio n   o f  the display 
signal  w h ile   the  sweep  is  held  o ff. 
This  perm its  the  display  to   be  posi­
tioned  before  storing.

2.  Set the T IM E /D  IV  sw itch  to   .5  ms.

3.  A d ju s t  the  IN T E N S IT Y   c o n tro l  to   the  desired 


C alibrator


Provides  a  0.6  v o lt  ca lib ra to r  signal

0.6  V   1  kH z 


p e rm it 

probe  com pensation,

adjustm ent  o f  a m p lifie r  G A IN ,  and 
checking  basic h o riz o n ta l  tim in g .

Power  and  External  Blanking

POWER  and 

A   co m b in a tio n   c o n tro l,  p a rt  o f


w hich  is  a  push-pull  sw itch  to

c o n tro l  app lica tio n   o f  pow er  to   the 
in s tru m e n t.


Set  the  A STIG   a d justm ent  so  the  h o rizo n ta l  and 

vertical  p o rtio n s   o f  the  display  are  as  equally  focused  as 

Trace  A lig nm en t A djustm e n t

If  a  free-running  trace  is  n o t  parallel  to   the  h o rizo n ta l 

graticule  line,  set  the  T R A C E   R O T A T IO N   adjustm ent  (rear 
panel)  as  fo llo w s .  Position  the  trace to  the  center  h orizontal 

line.  A d ju s t  T R A C E   R O T A T IO N   so  the  trace  is  parallel 

w ith   the  h o rizo n ta l  graticule  line.

Z  A X IS  

In p u t 


fo r 


blanking  signals.


Inte n sity  C o n trol

The  setting  o f  the  IN T E N S IT Y   c o n tro l  should  n o t a ffe ct 

the  co rre ct  focus  o f  the  display.  The  focusing  c o n tro l  is 
ganged  to   the  IN T E N S IT Y   c o n tro l  to   provide  a utom atic 
adjustm ent  o f  display  focus  along  w ith   adjustm ent  o f 
display  in te n s ity .

The  lig h t  filte r   and  o p tio n a l  EMI  mesh  filte r   reduce  the 

observed  lig h t  o u tp u t  fro m   the  C RT.  When  using  these 
filte rs ,  avoid  advancing  the  IN T E N S IT Y   co n tro l  to  a  setting 
th a t  could  cause  phosphor  damage.  When  the  highest 

in te n sity  display  is  desired,  remove  the  filte rs .  A pp a re n t 

trace  in te n s ity   can  also  be  im proved  in  such  cases  by 

reducing  the  am bient  lig h t  or  using  a  viewing  hood.

Astigm atism   A djustm e n t

If  the  CRT display  is  n o t w ell-defined,  adjust  the  A S T IG  

(rear  panel)  as  fo llo w s .

G raticule

The  graticule  o f  the  434  is  in te rn a lly   marked  on  the 

faceplate  o f  the  CRT  to   provide  accurate,  no-parallax 
measurements.  The  graticule  is  marked  w ith   eight  vertical 
and  10  h o rizo n ta l  divisions.  Each  division  is  .98  centim eter 
square.  In  a d d itio n ,  each  m ajor  division  is  divided  in to   five 
m in o r  divisions  at  the  center  vertical  and  h o rizo n ta l  lines. 
The  vertical  gain  and  h o riz o n ta l  tim in g   are  calibrated  to  the 
graticule  so  accurate  measurements  can  be  made  fro m   the 

Fig.  2-3  shows  the  graticule  o f  the  434  and  defines  the 

various  measurement  lines.  The  te rm in o lo g y   defined  here 
w ill  be  used  in  all  discussions  involving  graticule  measure­


Lig ht  F ilte r

The  tin te d   lig h t  filte r   provided  m inim izes  lig h t  reflec­

tio n s   fro m   the  face  o f  the  CRT  to   im prove  co n tra st  when 
viewing  the  display  under  high  am bient  lig h t  co n d ition s. 
The  mesh  filte r   (available  as  an  o p tio n a l  accessory)  provides 
shielding  against  radiated  EMI  (electro-m agnetic  in te r­
ference)  and  also  serves  as  a  lig h t  filte r.  T o   remove  either



Содержание 434

Страница 1: ...II N J SXRUCTIO N J IV 1 X IN J U A L 434 OSCILLOSCOPE scanned by matt from wellenkino de Tektronix Inc P O Box 500 Beaverton O regon 97 00 5 Phone 644 0161 Cables Tektronix 070 1131 00 771 ...

Страница 2: ... your area This procedure w ill assure you the fastest possible service Please include the instrum ent Type or Part Number and Serial or IVIodet Number w ith all requests fo r parts or service Specifications and price change privileges reserved Copyright 1971 by Tektronix Inc Beaverton Oregon Printed in the United States o f America A ll rights reserved Contents of this publication may not be repr...

Страница 3: ...upling 2 8 Deflection Factor 2 8 SECTION 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS cont Page Dual Trace Operation 2 8 Algebraic A ddition 2 9 Trigger Source 2 9 Trigger Coupling 2 9 Trigger Slope 2 10 Trigger Level 2 10 Sweep Mode 2 10 Horizontal Sweep Rates 2 12 Sweep Magnification 2 12 Horizontal Position Control 2 12 External Horizontal Input 2 12 Intensity Modulation 2 12 Calibrator 2 13 Sim plified Operating ...

Страница 4: ...t 4 9 Recalibration A fter Repair 4 11 Instrum ent Repackaging 4 11 SECTION 5 C A LIBR A TIO N Page Introduction 5 1 Tektronix Field Service 5 1 Using This Procedure 5 1 Test Equipm ent Required General 5 1 Special Calibration Fixtures 5 1 Calibration Equipment Alternatives 5 1 Test Equipm ent 5 2 Index to Calibration Procedure 5 4 Preliminary Procedure for Complete Calibration 5 4 Preliminary Con...

Страница 5: ...ns and symbols used in this manual are based on or taken directly from IEEE Standard 260 Standard Index o f Mechanical Parts List and Symbols fo r U nits MIL STD 12B and other standards of Illustrations the electronics industry Change inform ation if any is Mechanical Parts List located at the rear o f this manual iii ...

Страница 6: ...Fig 1 1 4 3 4 O scilloscope 434 ...

Страница 7: ...to EXT HORIZ The cathode ray tube is a direct view bistable storage tube having an 8 X 10 division display area divided into two 4 X 1 0 division storage screens The storage screens are independently controlled fo r split screen applications A non storing area to the left of the storage screens permits beam location w ith o u t disturbing a stored display The regulated low voltage power supply ass...

Страница 8: ...olts division Each deflection factor increased by a fac tor of at least 2 5 1 Bandwidth A t Upper 3 d B Point 1 m V D IV 15 C to 30 C 30 C to 55 C Bandwidth checked w ith a six division reference signal DC coupled 18 MHz 16 MHz 2 m V D IV 20 MHz 18 MHz 5 m V D IV 23 MHz 21 MHz 10 m V D IV to 10 V D IV 25 MHz 25 MHz Risetime 20 C to 30 C 1 m V D IV 19 5 nanoseconds Risetime checked w ith a six divi...

Страница 9: ...k AC 500 V peak to peak AC 1 kHz or less AC Coupled 500 V DC plus peak AC 500 V peak to peak AC 1 kHz or less Chopped Mode Rate Approxim ately 100 kilohertz Signal Delay Delay Line Allows viewing leading edge o f a triggering waveform Step A ttenuator Balance Adjustable fo r no trace shift when deflec tion factor is changed from 1 m V D IV to 10 m V D IV Polarity Inversion Display signal from Chan...

Страница 10: ...ristics Resistance One megohm w ithin 2 Capacitance Approxim ately 100 picofarads 1 1 Approxim ately 70 picofarads 1 10 Fig 1 2 Trigger sen sitivity specification lim it curve H O R IZO N TAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM Sweep Mode Normal Stable display presented only w ith signals meeting lim its specified in Fig 1 2 No display presented in the absence of an adequate trigger signal A utom atic Stable displa...

Страница 11: ...ccuracy Unmagnified Magnified Over fu ll 10 displayed horizontal divi 20 C to 30 C W ithin 3 W ithin 4 sions Exclude the follow ing portions of the 15 C to 55 C W ithin 4 W ithin 5 sweep when checking magnified tim ing X2 magnification first and last 0 5 div X5 magnification first and last one div X10 magnification first and last tw o div X20 magnification first and last five div X50 magnification...

Страница 12: ...nal causes notice able m odulation at normal intensity Positive going signal decreases intensity Usable Frequency Range DC to 20 megahertz Input Resistance A pproxim ately 50 kilohms POWER SOURCE Line Voltage and Frequency Operates on all nominal voltages from 100 No range switching necessary Range volts to 240 volts AC 50 to 400 Hz and 100 volts to 250 volts DC Power Consumption 90 volt amperes o...

Страница 13: ...e 3 major axes at a total displacement of 0 025 inch peak to peak 4 g s at 55 Hertz w ith fre quency varied from 10 to 55 to 10 Hertz in one minute sweeps Hold fo r three minutes at 55 Hertz A ll major resonances must be above 55 Hertz Shock Operating and Non Operating 30 g s 1 2 sine 11 milliseconds duration tw o shocks per axis each direction fo r a total of 12 shocks T ransportation Tested to N...

Страница 14: ...finish Cabinet Blue vinyl coated aluminum C ircuit Boards Glass epoxy laminate Characteristic Performance Requirement Overall Dimensions Height 5 6 inches Width 13 inches including handle Depth 18 6 inches Weight Including Panel Cover and Accessories 20 pounds 6 ounces Domestic Shipping Weight 30 pounds 2 ounces Export Packed Shipping Weight 35 pounds 2 ounces 1 8 ...

Страница 15: ... ent from an external DC power source polarity of the external voltage is unim portant Again it is imperative to complete the ground system to prevent accidental elevation of the instrum ent chassis and resultant shock hazard Operating Temperature The 434 requires very little air circulation for proper operation A therm al cu to u t in the instrum ent provides thermal protection and disconnects th...

Страница 16: ...N push OFF and also controls the brightness of the display Compresses the display w ithin the graticule area independently of display position or applied signals ASTIGmatismAdjusts CRT beam for optim um Rear panel display definition TRACE ROTATION Screwdriver adjustment to align Rear panel trace w ith horizontal graticule lines Vertical both channels if applicable V O LTS D IV Selects vertical def...

Страница 17: ...itch all components of the input signal are passed to the input am plifier GND In the GND position button in of this push push switch the input of the vertical am plifier is disconnected from the input connector and grounded Allows precharging of the input coupling capacitor Input connectors that allow application of external signals to the inputs of the vertical am plifier Includes a coding ring ...

Страница 18: ...ed to at least the sweep rate of the next adjacent position to provide continuously variable sweep rates ENHANCE Upper and lower ERASE Upper and lower Determines the operating mode for the sweep generator AUTO In the AUTO position button in of this pushbutton switch the sweep is initiated by the applied trigger signal In the absence of an adequate trigger signal the sweep free runs and provides a ...

Страница 19: ...l line Adjust TRACE ROTATION so the trace is parallel w ith the horizontal graticule line Z A XIS Input connector for external blanking signals GENERAL OPERATING INFORMATION Intensity Control The setting of the IN TEN SITY control should not affect the correct focus of the display The focusing control is ganged to the INTENSITY control to provide automatic adjustment of display focus along w ith a...

Страница 20: ...ency signals when viewing low frequency signals When set to the 5 MHz posi tion out the upper 3 dB bandwidth point of the Ver tical Deflection system is lim ited to about five megahertz Then unwanted high frequency signals such as television broadcast radiation interference are reduced in the displayed waveform Fig 2 5 illustrates the use of this feature The waveform in Fig 2 5A is the display pro...

Страница 21: ...rm very close to normal operating conditions However a 10X probe also attenuates the in p u t signal 10 times A T ek tro n ix field effect transistor probe offers the same high input impedance as the 10X probes However it is particularly useful since it provides wide band operation w hile presenting no attenuation IX gain and a low input capacitance A standard IX probe can be used fo r signal conn...

Страница 22: ...on of high amplitude voltage spikes to the am plifier input Deflection Factor The amount of vertical deflection produced by a signal is determined by the signal amplitude the attenuation factor of the probe if used the setting of the V O LTS D IV switch and the setting of the Variable V O LTS D IV control The calibrated deflection factors indicated by the VO LTS DIV switches apply only when the Va...

Страница 23: ...ignal of each channel to mid screen when viewing in either the CH 1 or CH 2 posi tions of the Vertical Mode switch This insures the greatest dynam ic range fo r ADD mode operation 4 For similar response from each channel set the Channel 1 and 2 In p u t Coupling switches to the same position Trigger Source C O M P In the COMP position of the TRIGG ER SOURCE switch the trigger signal is obtained fr...

Страница 24: ...eing attenuated Trigger Slope The TR IG G ER SLOPE switch determines whether the trigger circu it responds to the positive going or negative going portion o f the trigger signal When the SLOPE switch is in the positive going position the display starts w ith the positive going portion o f the w aveform in the negative going position the display starts w ith the negative going portion of the wavefo...

Страница 25: ...34 Waveforms obtained w ith the TRIGGER LEVEL control set in the region Waveforms obtained w ith the TRIGGER LEVEL control set in the region 2 11 Fig 2 6 Effect o f the TRIGGER LEVEL control and SLOPE switch on the CRT display ...

Страница 26: ...rectly by the T IM E D IV knob and is a calibrated sweep rate when the VAR control is in its calibrated detent Horizontal Position Control The dual range horizontal POSITION control used in the 434 provides a com bination of coarse and fine adjustments in a single control When this control is rotated fine positioning is provided fo r a range of about 0 3 division fo r normal sweep or about 15 divi...

Страница 27: ...tically 8 Set the TRIGGER LEVEL control fo r a stable dis play 9 Set the T IM E D IV switch and the horizontal POSITION control fo r a display which remains w ithin the display area horizontally Magnified Sweep Display 1 Follow steps 1 9 fo r normal sweep 2 Adjust the horizontal POSITION control to move the area to be magnified to w ith in the center horizontal division of the graticule There shou...

Страница 28: ... display of the calibrator waveform should remain on the storage screen If it does not repeat the demonstration w ith the display intensity increased slightly 5 During single sweep operation the LOCATE push button can be used to locate the trace or display while the sweep is held off Pressing the LOCATE button unblanks the CRT and allows the display to be positioned before storing Integrated Fast ...

Страница 29: ...e The target is now ready fo r normal storage or single sweep enhanced storage operation N O TE fo r OPTIO N ONE instrum ents A fte r sustained use 6 hours or m ore o f the O ption One instrum ent in the Non Store mode or in Store mode w ith nothing w ritten the w riting speed m ay be im proved b y leaving the CRT target fu lly stored for five to fifteen minutes This procedure m ay be repeated eve...

Страница 30: ...ctor 2 Set the Vertical Mode switch to display the channel N O TE used This technique can also be used to make measure m ents between tw o points on the waveform rather 3 Set the V O LT S D IV switch to display about six divi than peak to peak sions o f the w aveform 8 M u ltip ly the distance measured in step 7 by the V O LT S D IV switch setting Also include the attenuation factor o f the probe ...

Страница 31: ...put pulses in a digital count down circuit The follow ing procedure describes how to establish arbitrary units o f measure fo r comparison measurements A lthough the procedure fo r establishing vertical and horizontal arbitrary units of measurement is much the same both processes are described in detail Using the form ula instantaneous Voltage vertical distance X polarity X divisions V O LT S D IV...

Страница 32: ...E D IV control 6 Measure the horizontal deflection in divisions and calculate the repetition rate of the unknown signal using the follow ing form ula Then w ith a V O LTS D IV switch setting of 10 the peak to peak amplitude of an unknown signal which produces a vertical deflection of five divisions can be determined by using the signal amplitude form ula step 6 Signal Am plitude 10 V X 1 5 X 5 75 ...

Страница 33: ...ume that the horizontal distance be tween the tim e measurement points is five divisions see Fig 2 9 and the T IM E D IV switch is set to 1 ms Using the form ula Tim e D uration horizontal distance divisions T IM E D IV setting Substituting the given values Tim e D uration 5 X 0 1 nrs The tim e duration is 0 5 m illisecond Determining Frequency The tim e measurement technique can also be used to d...

Страница 34: ...frequency signals and the A L T position is more suitable fo r high frequency signals More inform ation on determ ining the mode is given under Dual Trace Operation in this section 3 Set the TRIG G ER SOURCE switch to CH 1 E X A M P L E Assume that the horizontal distance between the 10 and 90 points is six divisions see Fig 2 10 and the T IM E D IV switch is set to 1 jus Using the tim e duration ...

Страница 35: ... tim e Use coaxial cables or probes w hich have sim ilar tim e delay characteristics to connect the signals to the input connectors Tim e Delay 50 is X 4 5 The tim e delay is 225 microseconds M ulti Trace Phase Difference Measurements Phase comparison between tw o signals of the same frequency can be made using the dual trace feature o f the 5 If the signals are o f opposite polarity set the IN V ...

Страница 36: ...n The phase difference is 27 High Resolution Phase Measurements More accurate dual trace phase measurements can be made by increasing the sweep rate w ith o u t changing the Variable T IM E D IV control setting One of the easiest ways to increase the sweep rate is w ith the MAG switch The magnified sweep rate in terms of degrees division is determined by dividing the sweep rate obtained previously...

Страница 37: ...nal The undesired signal is cancelled out EXAM PLE An example of this mode of operation is shown in Fig 2 14 The signal applied to Channel 1 con tains unwanted line frequency components Fig 2 14A A corresponding line frequency signal is connected to Channel 2 Fig 2 14B Fig 2 14C shows the desired portion of the signal as displayed when common mode rejection is used X 1 1 0T l x L ine fre que nc X ...

Страница 38: ... to the Trigger Pickoff circuit The output of the Channel Switch circuit is connected to the Vertical O utput A m plifier through the Delay Line The Vertical O utput A m plifier circuit provides the final am plification fo r the signal before it is connected to the vertical deflection plates of the CRT This circuit includes the BEAM FINDER switch which compresses the vertical and horizontal deflec...


Страница 40: ...iled block diagrams give the names of the individual stages w ith in the m ajor circuits and show how they are connected together to form the m ajor circuit The block diagrams also show the inputs and outputs fo r each circu it and the relationship of the front panel controls to the individual stages The circu it diagrams from which the detailed block diagrams are derived are shown in the Diagrams...

Страница 41: ...Fig 3 3 Channel 2 Input A m p and Preamp detailed block diagram C ir c u it D e s c r ip tio n 4 3 4 ...

Страница 42: ...22 protects the circuit by clamping the gate of Q124A at about 15 5 or 15 5 volts if a high amplitude signal is applied to the CH 1 connector FET Q124B is a relatively constant current source fo r Q124A and also provides temperature compensation of Q124A R125 isolates the input of the Preamp Stage from the source of Q124A Preamp Stage The Preamp Stage U210 is a multiple stage integrated circuit am...

Страница 43: ...ys CH 1 In the CH 1 mode of operation 15 volts is applied to the junction of CR411 CR412 in the Channel 2 Diode Gate through Vertical Mode switch S45A R427 and CR433 see simplified diagram in Fig 3 5 This forward biases CR411 CR412 and reverse biases CR410 CR414 since the input to the Delay Line Driver Stage is at about 6 volts CR410 CR414 block the Channel 2 signal so it cannot pass to the Delay ...

Страница 44: ...405 CR406 cathode level negative w ith respect to the cathodes of CR404 CR408 so the Channel 1 Diode Gate is blocked as fo r Channel 2 only operation The signal passes through the Channel 2 Diode Gate to the Delay Line Driver The alternate trace sync pulse is applied to Q435 through C430 at the end of each sweep This differentiated negative going sync pulse mom entarily interrupts the current thro...

Страница 45: ...35 is o ff and holds the e m itte r o f Q 425 more negative than the em itte r o f Q 420 When both Q 420 and Q 425 are o ff the voltage at th e ir bases becomes approxim ately equal When Q 435 comes back on the transistor w ith the m ost negative em itte r w ill start conducting firs t w ith the resulting negative m ovem ent at its collector holding the other tran sistor o ff The co n d ition s de...

Страница 46: ...the base of Q440 is determined by R436 and C436 Q440 is quickly driven into cu to ff and the positive going output pulse which is coincident w ith trace switching is connected to the Z Axis A m plifier circuit through CR440 and R445 ADD In the ADD mode of operation the Diode Gate stage allows both signals to pass to the Delay Line Driver stage The Diode Gates are both held on by 15 volts applied t...

Страница 47: ...vertical deflection system an external signal connected to the EXT TRIG input connector or a sample of the line voltage applied to the instrum ent Controls are provided in this circuit to select trigger level slope coupling and source Fig 3 8 shows a detailed block diagram of the Trigger Pickoff Generator circuit A schematic of this circuit is shown on diagram 5 at the back of this manual Trigger ...

Страница 48: ...omponents of the trigger signal are passed w ithout attenuation In the HF REJ mode of trigger coupling the trigger signal is DC coupled to the input if the AC and LF REJ p u s h b u tto n s are not also depressed High frequency components of the trigger signal above about 50 kilohertz are attenuated while the lower frequency components are passed w ith o u t attenuation The DC mode of trigger coup...

Страница 49: ...h respect to the input trigger signal Since the output pulse from the Trigger Generator is derived from the negative going portion of the signal applied to the Trigger TD the sweep is triggered on the positive going slope of the input trigger signal When the SLOPE switch is set to conditions are reversed The base of Q635 is returned to ground through R634 and R635 See Fig 3 10 This back biases CR6...

Страница 50: ...uch the same as NORM except that a free running trace is displayed in the absence of an adequate trigger signal In the SINGLE SWEEP mode operation is also similar to NORM except that the sweep is not recurrent The follow ing circuit description is given w ith the sweep MODE switch set to NORM Differences in operation fo r the other tw o modes are discussed later Normal Sweep Mode Operation Sweep G...

Страница 51: ...F ig 3 1 1 S w e e p G e n e ra to r d e ta ile d b lo c k d ia g ra m CO C irc u it D e s c rip tio n 4 3 4 ...

Страница 52: ...itive going rectangular pulse is applied to the base of U760A through R700 and CR710 U760A is turned on and its collector goes negative This negative movement is coupled to the base of U760B and turns it o ff causing its collector to go positive The positive movement at the collector of U760B is coupled to the base of U650C which prior to this had been turned o ff The increase in forward bias of t...

Страница 53: ...positive going spike to the base of U760B U760B now turns on and U760A turns off When U760B turns on its collector goes negative which turns Q665 o ff and also turns U650C o ff allowing the Sweep Gating Tunnel Diode CR678 to accept the next trigger pulse When Q665 turns o ff its collector goes positive allow ing sufficient voltage to be impressed across READY light DS65 to turn the READY light on ...

Страница 54: ...F ig 3 1 2 H o r iz o n ta l A m p l i f i e r d e ta ile d b lo c k d ia g ra m T IM E D IV S700A i I I E xternal 1 W i ...

Страница 55: ...C871 Circuit Description 434 ...

Страница 56: ...nd are turned o ff when overdrive in the positive direction occurs at their cathodes Transistors Q870 and Q880 are inverting amplifiers whose collector signals drive the emitters of complementary amplifiers Q874 Q877 and Q884 Q887 respectively The output signal from complementary am plifier Q874 Q877 drives the left horizontal deflection plate of the CRT and th e o u tp u t signal fro m com plem e...

Страница 57: ...Fig 3 13 P ower S u p p ly d etailed b lo c k diagram CD T i l 15 To Power Supply Secondary Circuits Circuit Description 434 ...

Страница 58: ...to saturation The collector of Q1045 w ill be w ith in about 0 2 vo lt o f the em itter C l046 starts to charge toward this positive level through R1046 When the charge on C l046 reaches a level about 0 6 vo lt more positive than the level at the gate of Q1050 Q1050 w ill turn on and start to conduct current to discharge C l046 and at the same tim e forw ard bias the base emitter junction of Q1064...

Страница 59: ...l necessary to keep Q1138 on Q1138 w ill turn o ff and C l 136 w ill start to charge again When Q1138 turns on Q 1150 w hich is quiescently biased o ff turns on and conducts a current pulse through C ircuit D escription 434 the prim ary w inding of T1150 T1150 couples a negative going pulse to the base of Q1040 through CR1040 Q1040 turns on and its collector moves positive to turn on Q1Q50 w hich ...

Страница 60: ...t d e t a ile d b l o c k d ia g r a m G O rb N Regulation Signal to Negative High Voltage Power Supply 15 V R80 1 5 V Intensity Limiting fro m TIME DIV switch 25 kHz from Power Supply Negative High Voltage C ircuit Description 434 ...

Страница 61: ... w ith respect to the CRT cathode Varying the drive signal to the Unblanking A m plifier changes the voltage level at the am plifier output which in turn varies the amplitude of the voltage swing on the common emitters of Q924 and 0925 thereby resulting in changes to the CRT bias CR924 and CR925 lim it the positive excursion that can occur at the collector of Q924 and the common emitters o f Q924 ...

Страница 62: ...egative to ground When the base goes negative Q915 is driven in to saturation and the collector of Q 915 rises positive to about 15 volts The o u tp u t voltage is connected from the voltage divider R915 R916 R918 to the PROBE C AL 0 6 V 1 kHz connec tor R915 adjusts the overall ratio of the voltage divider to provide an accurate o u tp u t voltage am plitude STORAGE C IR C U IT The Storage C ircu...

Страница 63: ...r Network R1229 OFF Enhance Trigger Pulse From __ Sweep C ircuit ON STORE S90B ENHAN C E S90C Enhance M ultivibrator Q1245 Q1246 OFF Q 6 ON R90 ENHANCE LEVEL R92 E N H A N C E S92C OFF ON CO NJ cn R1252 ERASE S92A R1250 Erase M ultivibrator Q1260 Q1266 C l 250 Divider Network X STORE S92B R1279 C irc u it D e scrip tio n 43 4 ...

Страница 64: ...e This is due to flood gun current from the insulator surface The potential to which the target charges is called its rest potential This potential is such that the flood gun electron landing energy is not enough to illum inate the phosphor in the target The target is now ready to w rite See Fig 3 18 In the w riting process the target is scanned by the w riting gun electrons These high energy elec...

Страница 65: ...uniform ly over the storage target and they have no effect on the landing energy of the electrons R1293 and R1925 determine the voltage levels of CE1 and CE2 through em itter followers Q1294 and Q1296 respectively R1292 is an additional CRT Geometry adjustment Target Control Am plifiers The Target Control Am plifiers are incorporated to main tain a high degree of control of the upper and lower sto...

Страница 66: ...s the voltage at the junction o f R1220 R1222 decays at an RC controlled rate until CR1220 turns on and clamps it at about 15 5 volts This negative going sawtooth voltage is applied to the feedback am plifier which produces a positive going sawtooth at its output to raise the backplate to the ready to write state When the CRT is shifted from the conventional mode to the store mode pushing the stor...

Страница 67: ...The setting o f the ENHANCE LE V E L control R92 deter mines the am plitude of the pulse which is applied to the feedback am plifier summing point 1integrate The second fast w ritin g technique to be discussed is integration In this mode of operation the flood gun beam is interrupted m om entarily allowing the w riting gun beam to sum small amounts o f charge for successive sweeps so th a t when t...

Страница 68: ...et should be installed w ith the carrying handle p iv o t p o in ts positioned tow ard the bottom of the instrum ent PR EVENTIVE M AIN TEN AN C E Genera Preventive maintenance consists of cleaning visual in s p e c tio n lu b ric a tio n etc Preventive maintenance Fig 4 1 R em oving w rap a ro u n d cabinet perform ed on a regular basis may prevent instrum ent break down and w ill improve the reli...

Страница 69: ...bricated Lubricate switch detents w ith a heavier grease e g T e ktro n ix Part No 006 0219 00 P otentio meters w hich are not perm anently sealed should be lu b ri cated w ith a lubricant which does not affect electrical characteristics e g T e ktro n ix Part No 006 0220 00 A lubrication k it containing these lubricants and instructions is available from T e ktro n ix Inc Order T e ktro n ix Part...

Страница 70: ...es w hich consist of tw o significant figures a m u ltip lie r and a tolerance value see Fig 4 2 M etal film resistors have five stripes consisting o f thrt significant figures a m u ltip lie r and a tolerance value Capacitor Marking The capacitance values o f com m on disc capacitors and small electrolytics are marked in m icro farads on the side o f the com ponent body The w hite ceram ic capaci...

Страница 71: ...ng in this instrument NOTE A 20 000 ohm s vott VOM can be used to check the voltages in this instrum ent i f allowances are made fo r the circu it loading o f the VOM a t high impedance points 3 Test Oscilloscope Description DC to 25 MHz frequency response one m illivo lt to five volts division deflection factor A 10X probe should be used to reduce circuit loading Purpose To check waveforms in thi...

Страница 72: ...l Transistor Dual _________________Plastic Cased Transistor Transistors Programmable i I Power 1 I Dual F E T 1 Unijunction Transistor Transistor 4 5 Fig 4 4 Electrode configuration for semiconductors used in this instrument ...

Страница 73: ... Vertical Board A9 Power Supply Primary Board A 4 Channel 1 Attenuator Board A 3 Vertical A5 Channel 2 Attenuator Board Board A 6 Trigger Source Switch Board A7 Trigger Coupling Switch Board A8 Horizontal Board A10 Power Supply Secondary Board A l l T ransformer Primary Board A 14 Z Axis Board A17 Storage Board 4 6 ...

Страница 74: ...225 volt 10 mV 40 m V 115 volt W ithin 4 6 volts 0 5 volt 0 5 vo lt 250 volt W ithin 10 volts 1 volt 1 volt 75 volt W ithin 2 25 volts 1 volt 1 volt tolerance the supply can be assumed to be w orking correctly If outside the tolerance the supply may be misadjusted or operating incorrectly Use the procedure given in the C alibration section to adjust the power supplies A fte r the defective circu i...

Страница 75: ...has had any electrical components replaced CORRECTIVE M AIN TEN AN C E General Corrective maintenance consists o f com ponent replace m ent and instrum ent repair Special techniques required to replace components in this instrum ent are given here Obtaining Replacement Parts Standard Parts A ll electrical and mechanical part replacements fo r the 434 can be obtained through your local T ektronix F...

Страница 76: ...older jo in t do not apply too much solder To protect heat sensitive components hold the lead between the com ponent body and the solder jo in t w ith a pair o f long nose pliers or other heat sink 5 Clip the excess lead that protrudes through the board if not clipped in step 3 6 Clean the area around the solder connection w ith a flux rem over solvent Be careful not to remove inform ation printed...

Страница 77: ...g and safety glasses should be w orn Avoid striking it on any object which m ight cause it to crack or im plode When storing a CRT place it face dow n on a smooth surface w ith a protective cover or soft mat under the faceplate to protect it from scratches The CRT shield shpuld also be handled carefully This shield protects the CRT display from distortion due to magnetic interference If the shield...

Страница 78: ... procedure 1 Remove the wrap around cabinet from the instru ment as described earlier in this section 2 Lay the instrum ent dow n fla t w ith the power supply com partm ent edge facing you 3 Remove the tw o screws securing the com partm ent shield to the rear casting 4 Loosen the tw o screws securing the com partm ent shield to the forward power supply com partm ent bulkhead and slide the shield o...

Страница 79: ...t and accessories or their equivalent are required fo r complete calibration of the 434 Specifications given fo r the test equipm ent are the m inim um necessary for accurate calibration Therefore the specifications of any test equipm ent used must meet or exceed the listed specifications A ll test equipm ent is assumed to be correctly calibrated and operating w ith in the listed specifications De...

Страница 80: ...try check and a d ju s tm e n t H o riz o n ta l tim ing check and adjustment C alibrator repetition rate check and adjustment a T ektronix 2901 Time Mark Generator b T ektronix 184 Time Mark Generator 6 M e d iu m F re q u e n cy constant amplitude signal generator Frequency 350 kilohertz to 25 megahertz reference fre quency 50 kilohertz output amplitude variable from five m illivolts to five vol...

Страница 81: ...con nectors BNC impedance 50 ohms Vertical am plifier compensa tion checks and adjustments a Tektronix Part Number 011 0059 01 15 Termination Impedance 50 ohms accu racy 2 connectors BNC External Z Axis operation c h e ck Vertical am plifier bandwidth check Trigger cir cuit operation checks and adjustments a Tektronix Part Number 011 0049 01 16 Cable two required Impedance 50 ohms type RG 58 U len...

Страница 82: ...Page 5 11 34 Adjust Sweep Generator Offset Adjustm ent 13 Adjust Geometry Page 5 12 35 Adjust Sweep Cal Adjustm ent 14 Check BEAM FINDER Operation Page 5 12 36 Adjust Horizontal Gain 15 Check External Z Axis Operation Page 5 13 37 Adjust Magnifier Registration 16 Check Chopped Operation Page 5 13 38 Check Variable T1ME D IV Range 39 Adjust High Speed Tim ing Vertical System A djustm ent 17 Adjust ...

Страница 83: ...rmer 3 Connect the 434 to the autotransformer output 4 Set the autotransformer output voltage for exactly 120 VAC RMS 5 Set the controls as given under Preliminary Control Settings A llow at least 30 minutes warmup before proceeding Preliminary Control Settings Preset the instrum ent controls to the settings given below when starting a Calibration procedure POWER IIMTENSITY POSITION vertical and h...

Страница 84: ...Power Supply circuit board is s till lit with instrum ent power turned o ff wait u n til both lights are extinguished before attem pting to discharge C l016 and or working in the pow er supply area b Connect the P6021 Current Probe around the collec tor lead grey yellow wire to pin 2 of P I02 on Power Supply Primary circuit board of Q1080 w ith the arrow on the head of the Current Probe pointing t...

Страница 85: ...r reading of 1 5 volts 0 112 volt 5 3 fo r peak to peak display amplitude of 4 4 divisions 0 187 volt if the measurement is being made outside of 0 2 division 2 2 amperes 0 1 ampere the 20 C to 30 C temperature range Fig 5 3 Lo cation o f C urrent Sense adjustm ent R1070 c ADJUST 15 Volts adjustment R1122 see Fig 5 4 fo r a meter reading of 15 volts 0 037 volt d Disconnect the Precision DC Voltm e...

Страница 86: ...y to the line i f not leave the 432 connected to the autotransformer fo r the remainder o f this procedure 5 Adjust CRT Grid Bias and Z Axis Compensa tion a Attach a 10X probe to the test oscilloscope and connect the tip of the probe to test point TP924 on the Z Axis circuit board See Fig 5 5 b Set the CH 1 POSITION control fu lly counter clockwise and the Sweep MODE to AUTO c Turn the INTENSITY c...

Страница 87: ...TORE button in position e Disconnect the PROBE C AL 0 6 V 1 kHz signal from the CH 1 input connector 7 Adjust Trace Rotation i Adjust Upper Store Level adjustment R1226 for a meter reading of 180 volts a Position the free running trace to the center hori zontal graticule line j Set the UPPER SCREEN STORE button to non store button out position and move the plus lead of the meter to test point TP12...

Страница 88: ...ton to STORE button in h Fully w rite the entire screen by vertically positioning the trace from one extreme to the other i Set the UPPER SCREEN STORE button to the non store button out position j C H EC K The stored display in the Upper Screen area disappears very quickly and does not linger Also should have m inim um scalloping of the Lower Screen stored display k A D JU S T Upper Screen Non Sto...

Страница 89: ...spreading or background fade up occurs This is the upper w riting lim it Note this voltage g Adjust Upper Store Level R1226 fo r an operating point midway between the w riting threshold and the upper w riting lim it Adjust Lower Store Level R1224 to set the lower screen operating level to the same point while measuring the voltage level at test point TP1285 It is desirable to have both storage tar...

Страница 90: ...d then press the RESET button A single sweep should be pre sented and stored c Adjust the CH 1 POSITION control and the CH 1 V O LTS D IV switch so the time marks extend above and below the vertical extremes of the CRT viewing area k CHECK CRT stored display fo r no breaks or gaps exceeding 0 025 inch Check the entire storage display area Proper storage of a 10 ps division sweep indicates a storag...

Страница 91: ...ut frequency of the Constant Am plitude Signal Generator to 20 megahertz g Set the T IM E D IV switch to 05 jus h CHECK CRT display for noticeable intensity modu lation o f the trace i Disconnect all test equipment 16 Check Chopped Operation a Set the T IM E D IV switch to 2 jus and the TRIGGER SOURCE to COMP b A pply 1 jus tim e marks to the CH 1 in p u t connector c Adjust the TRIGGER LE VE L co...

Страница 92: ...just R212 Channel 2 Variable Balance Adjust R312 Inve rt Balance A d ju s t R348 a o c Fig 5 7 Lo cation o f Channel 1 and 2 balance adjustm ents c A D JU S T C H 1 STEP ATTEN BAL adjustment located on fro n t panel for minim um trace shift when switching from 10 mV to 1 mV d Set the CH 1 V O LTS D IV switch to 10 mV e Rotate the CH 1 Variable V O LTS D IV control f CHECK CRT display fo r not more...

Страница 93: ...5 divisions of deflection f Change Vertical Mode to CH 1 g Remove the Standard Am plitude Calibrator signal from the CH 2 input connector and connect it to the CH 1 input connector h CHECK CRT display fo r 5 divisions 0 15 division of deflection i ADJUST CH 1 GAIN adjustment located on front panel fo r exactly 5 divisions of deflection 20 Check CH 1 Variable VO LTS D IV Range and Attenuator Accura...

Страница 94: ...ch 50 SI BNC cable a 50 SI BNC 10X attenuator a 50 SI BNC term ination and a 24 picofarad input normalizer c Adjust the output of the Square Wave Generator fo r a display five divisions in amplitude and a repetition rate of one kilohertz d Adjust the TRIGGER LEVEL control fo r a stable display e C H E C K C R T display at each Channel 1 V O LTS D IV switch position for optim um square corner and f...

Страница 95: ... f 3 peak to peak if the measurement is being made outside of the 20 C to 30 C tem perature range Remove the 10X attenuator and the 50 2 BNC term ination as necessary to m aintain a five division display am plitude e A D JU S T Channel 2 V O LT S D IV switch compensa tion as given in Table 5 2 A djust fo r optim um square corner and fla t top Remove the 10X attenuator and 50 2 BNC term ination as ...

Страница 96: ...then 4 4 or a total of 6 peak to peak NOTE The tolerances given in steps i o t and w apply only in the temperature range o f 20 C to 30 C j Remove the Square Wave Generator signal from the CH 1 input connector and connect it to the CH 2 input connector k Set Vertical Mode to CH 2 and vertically center the display w ith the CH 2 POSITION control I CHECK CRT display fo r optim um risetime w ith aber...

Страница 97: ...mV positions of the CH 1 and CH 2 V O LTS D IV switches Refer to Table 5 3 Use the 10X BNC attenuator as neces sary to maintain a six division display amplitude TABLE 5 3 Amplifier Compensation VOLTS DIV Switch Setting Compensation Adjustment Typical Aberration 5 mV C225 in Channel 1 C325 in Channel 2 Less th a n 2 2 total of 2 peak to peak 2 mV C223 in Channel 1 C323 in Channel 2 1 mV C220 in Cha...

Страница 98: ... 1 input connector via a GR to BNC adapter a 42 inch 50 H BNC cable and a 50 1 BNC termination b Set the CH 1 VOLTS DIV switch to 10 mV and the Vertical Mode to CH 1 c Set the 5 MHz BW button to the out position d Adjust the output of the signal generator for a six division display of the 50 kilohertz reference frequency e W ithout changing the output amplitude increase the frequency of the signal...

Страница 99: ...BNC cable and a 50 f t BNC term ination b Adjust the output of the signal generator fo r a 0 3 division display of the 50 kilohertz reference frequency c Vertically center the display around the center Fig 5 10 Lo cation o f Trigger Level C entering adjustm ent graticule line d C H E C K W ith the TRIGGER LEVEL control centered should have a stable display in the and posi tions of the TR IGGER SLO...

Страница 100: ...g CHECK A stable display can not be obtained h Replace the Medium Frequency Constant Amplitude Signal Generator w ith a Low Frequency Signal Generator and remove the 50 12 BNC term ination from the test setup 42 inch 50 12 BNC cable should be connected directly to the EXT TR IG input connector i Set the TRIGGER COUPLING to LF REJ j Adjust the Low Frequency Signal Generator for a one division displ...

Страница 101: ... pushbutton to 1 10 and the CH 1 V O LTS D IV switch to 10 V e Adjust the signal generator for a 4 division display of a 1 kilohertz signal Calibration 434 f CHECK Rotate the TRIGGER LEVEL control throughout its range and check that the display can be triggered stable display at any point along the slope of the waveform in both the and positions of the TRIGGER SLOPE switch This indicates a control...

Страница 102: ...t the test oscilloscope input coupling to ground and establish a 0 V DC reference level d Set the test oscilloscope input coupling to DC and the V olts D iv to 5 mV e CHECK Test oscilloscope display is w ithin two divi sions of the 0 V DC reference level f ADJUST Sweep Generator Offset adjustment R703 see Fig 5 12 to center the test oscilloscope display around the 0 V DC reference level g Disconne...

Страница 103: ...emain aligned w ith the center vertical graticule line w ith in approxim ately one division f A D JU S T Magnifier Registration adjustm ent R868 see Fig 5 12 to align the m iddle tim e mark w ith the center vertical graticule line g Repeat steps b through f until the m iddle tim e mark remains aligned w ith the center vertical graticule line 38 Check Variable T IM E D IV Range a Set the Tim e M ar...

Страница 104: ...s w ithin 0 4 divi sion 0 5 division if this measurement is being made outside of the 20 C to 30 C temperature range e Set the TIM E D IV switch to 2 ms f CHECK A pply the appropriate tim e marks and check magnified tim ing at 50 ps and 5 ps w ith in 0 4 divi sion 0 5 division if this measurement is being made outside of the 20 C to 30 C temperature range 42 Check High Speed Magnified Timing Accur...

Страница 105: ...is measurement is being made outside o f the 20 C to 30 C temperature range d ADJU ST R915 see Fig 5 13 for a DC voltage measurement of 0 6 volt b Connect the output of the Time Mark Generator to the CH 2 input connector via a 42 inch 50 Cl BNC cable Set the Time Mark Generator fo r 1 millisecond tim e marks c Adjust the VO LTS D IV switches for approximately tw o divisions of display of each sign...

Страница 106: ...Fig 5 13 for minimum d rift of the tim e marks across the calibrator waveform Recheck repetition rate accuracy in the manner given in steps a through g i Disconnect all test equipment This completes the calibration procedure for the 434 Oscilloscope Replace the instrument wrap around cabinet If the instrum ent has been completely checked and adjusted to the tolerances given in this procedure it w ...

Страница 107: ...m ounting are used the instrum ent may not meet the given environmental characteristics fo r shock and vibration Use the follow ing procedure to install the R434 in a rack 1 Remove the instrum ent from the Rack Adapter Assembly in the manner given fo r cabinet removal in section 4 o f this manual 2 Select the proper front rail m ounting holes in the instrum ent using the measurements shown in Fig ...

Страница 108: ...the Rack A dapter Assembly T e k tro n ix Part N um ber 016 0272 00 Remove the in stru m ent from the portable w rap around cabinet and install it in the Rack A dapter Assem bly Conversely to use an R 434 as a portable instrum ent order the 434 portable oscilloscope w rap around cabinet T e k tro n ix Part N um ber 390 0187 00 and the fro n t cover T e k tro n ix Part N um ber 200 1203 00 Remove t...

Страница 109: ...acket extensions 012 0117 00 one chassis mount BNC thru connector T e ktro n ix Part Num ber 103 0070 00 and if vertical clear ance above the rear panel connectors is less than approxi mately 1 1 4 inches one BNC 90 elbow T e ktro n ix Part Num ber 103 0031 00 Remove a plastic plug from the fro n t panel of the R434 M ount a BNC thru connector in the hole in the fro n t panel see Fig 6 5 Connect t...

Страница 110: ...Rackmounting 434 3 r i C V J o o o o o s w C V J o ip w 0 r 6 4 Fig 6 6 Dim ensional draw ing MkX ...

Страница 111: ...nal HHB hex head brass HHS hex head steel HSB hex socket brass HSS hex socket steel ID inside diameter inc incandescent inf internal ig length or long met metal mfg hdw mounting hardware OD outside diameter OHB oval head brass OHS oval head steel P O part of PHB pan head brass PHS pan head steel piste plastic PMC paper metal cased poly polystyrene prec precision PT paper tubular PTM paper or plast...

Страница 112: ... inform ation in your order Part number instrument type or number serial or model number and m odification number if applicable If a part you hevs ordered Has been replaced w ith a new or Im proved part your local Tektronix Inc Fie d O ffice or representative w ill contact you concerning any change in part number X000 00 X 000 0000 00 Use O O C O O O O O O SPECIAL NOTES A N D SYMBOLS Part first ad...

Страница 113: ...er 400 V 283 0057 00 0 1 m F Cer 500 V 290 0515 00 200 p F Elect 450 V 50 10 Semiconductor Device Diodes 152 0413 00 152 0298 00 152 0297 00 Silicon Rectifier fast recovery 400 V 0 75 A Zener 1N3816 1 5 W 140 V 5 Zener 1N3814B 1 5 W 110 V 5 Bulbs 150 0109 00 150 0109 00 150 0109 00 150 0109 00 150 0035 00 Incandescent 18 V 26 mA Incandescent 18 V 26 mA Incandescent 18 V 26 mA Incandescent 18 V 26 ...

Страница 114: ...n NPN TO 3 Replaceable by 2N5157 Resistors Resistors are fixed composition 10 unless otherwise indicated R22 311 0546 00 10 kO Var R32 311 0546 00 10 kO Var R40 311 1115 00 5 kO x 5 kO Var R 41 321 0121 00 178 o Vs w Prec 1 R42 321 0121 00 178 0 W Prec 1 R44 311 1115 00 5 kO x 5 kO Var R50 315 0271 00 270 0 A W 5 R55A B 311 0429 00 lOOkOxlOkO Var R60A B1 311 1117 00 10 kO x 50 kO Var R80 311 0086 ...

Страница 115: ... INPUT AMPLIFIER Circuit Boaid Assembly 670 1357 00 Complete Board Capacitors Resistors are fixed composition 10 unless otherwise indicated Cl 21 283 0001 00 0 005 xF Cer 500V Cl 24 283 0111 00 0 1 xF Cer 50 V Cl 25 283 0080 00 0 022 m F Cer 25 V Cl 26 283 0111 00 0 1 Cer 50 V Cl 35 283 0023 00 0 1 mf Cer 10 V C17I 283 0001 00 0 005 fiF Cer 500V Cl 74 283 0111 00 0 1 uF Cer 50V Cl 75 283 0080 00 0...

Страница 116: ... R120 321 0481 00 1 M Cl V w Prec 1 R121 316 0104 00 100 ka w R122 316 0470 00 47 Q w R125 321 0030 00 20 1 y8w Prec 1 R126 321 0030 00 20 n w Prec 1 R134 315 0393 00 39 ka w 5 R135 315 0151 00 150 a V W 5 R170 321 0481 00 1 M Q w Prec 1 R171 316 0104 00 ioo ka W R172 316 0470 00 4 7 1 W R175 321 0030 00 20 a y8w Prec 1 R176 321 0030 00 20 a y8w Prec 1 R184 315 0393 00 39 ka w 5 R185 315 0151 00 i...

Страница 117: ...1 C317 281 0093 00 5 5 18 pF Var Cer C320 281 0092 00 9 35 pF Var Cer C321 281 0540 00 51 pF Cer 500 V 5 C322 281 0602 00 68 pF Cer 500 V 5 C323 281 0158 00 7 45 pF Var C324 283 0109 00 27 pF Cer 1000 V 5 C325 281 0091 00 2 8 pF Var Cer C326 281 0064 00 0 25 1 5 pF Var Plastic C327 281 0661 00 0 8 pF Cer 500 V 0 1 pF C331 281 0709 00 7 pF Cer 500 V 0 1 pF C334 283 0111 00 0 1 fiF Cer 50 V C352 281...

Страница 118: ...500 V 5 C570 281 0540 00 51 pF Cer 500 V 5 C572 281 0123 00 5 25 pF V ar Cer 100 V C578 290 0517 00 6 8 F Elect 35 V Semiconductor Device Diodes CR256 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR270 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR273 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR275 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR280 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR283 152 0185 ...

Страница 119: ...0192 00 Silicon NPN TO 92 Replaceable by MPS 6521 Q355 151 0220 00 Silicon PNP TO 18 2N4122 Q365 151 0220 00 Silicon PNP TO 18 2N4122 Q420 151 0223 00 Silicon NPN TO 18 2N4275 Q425 151 0223 00 Silicon NPN TO 18 2N4275 Q435 151 0223 00 Silicon NPN TO 18 2N4275 Q440 151 0223 00 Silicon NPN TO 18 2N4275 Q454 151 0220 00 Silicon PNP TO 18 2N4122 Q470 151 0220 00 Silicon PNP TO 18 2N4122 Q505 151 0220 ...

Страница 120: ...1 R238 321 0204 00 1 3 kO a W Prec 1 R240 321 0053 00 34 8 0 a W Prec 1 R242 316 0101 00 1000 A W R244 311 1116 00 100 O Var R 246 321 0053 00 34 80 a W Prec 1 R250 321 0175 00 6490 a W Prec 1 R 252 321 0181 00 7500 aW Prec 1 R 253 316 0270 00 270 AW R 255 316 0101 00 100O AW R256 321 0232 00 2 55 kO aW Prec 1 R258 321 0255 00 4 42 kO aW Prec 1 R260 321 0175 00 649 0 a W Prec 1 R262 321 0181 00 75...

Страница 121: ... Prec 1 R317 315 0160 00 16n AW 5 R320 321 0907 02 98 n nominal value Selected R321 315 0241 00 240 n A W 5 R323 321 0131 00 226 n V8W Prec 1 R324 315 0331 00 330 n AW 5 R325 321 0172 00 604 n w Prec 1 R326 321 0221 00 1 96 kn W Prec 1 R328 321 0317 00 19 6 kn 8W Prec 1 R329 321 0120 00 174 n 8W Prec 1 R330 321 0172 00 604 n w Prec 1 R331 315 0911 00 910 n AW 5 R332 321 0204 00 1 3 kn 8W Prec 1 R3...

Страница 122: ...0 1 5 k n s W Prec 1 R422 321 0231 00 2 49 k n V s W Prec 1 R423 321 0231 00 2 49 k n s w Prec 1 R424 321 0210 00 1 5 k n sW Prec 1 R425 321 0193 00 i k n s W Prec 1 R426 301 0152 00 1 5 k n AW 5 R427 301 0152 00 1 5 kn AW 5 R428 301 0152 00 1 5 k n A W 5 R429 301 0152 00 1 5 k n A W 5 R430 315 0203 00 2 0 k n A W 5 R431 316 0104 00 io o k n A W R432 316 0183 00 18 k n A W R433 316 0104 00 100 kn ...

Страница 123: ... 1 R510 321 0074 00 57 6 0 w Prec 1 R512 316 0820 00 82 a AW R515 315 0680 00 68 0 AW 5 R516 316 0470 00 47 0 AW R518 321 0117 00 162 0 w Prec 1 R519 317 0101 00 100 O w 5 R520 317 0101 00 100 O y8w 5 R521 321 0178 00 698 0 w Prec 1 R525 323 0095 00 95 3 0 AW Prec 1 R526 315 0512 00 5 1 kO AW 5 R540 321 0092 00 88 7 0 w Prec 1 R545 316 0270 00 27 0 AW R548 321 0179 00 715 0 w Prec 1 R549 317 0101 ...

Страница 124: ...0 U310 155 0050 00 Monolithic differential pre amplifier Monolithic differential pre amplifier A3 VERTICAL MODE SWITCH Circuit Board Assembly 670 1 358 00 Complete Board Capacitors Tolerance 20 unless otherwise indicated C8 285 0816 02 0 019 xF PTM 600V C9 281 0064 00 0 25 1 5 pF Var Plastic C18 285 0816 02 0 019 m F PTM 600 V Cl 9 281 0064 00 0 25 1 5 pF Var Plastic C45 283 0080 00 0 022 MF Cer 2...

Страница 125: ...PLIFIER Circuit Board Assembly A2 670 1365 00 VERTICAL AMPLIFIER Circuit Board Assembly A4 CAM SWITCH Assembly CHI A5 CAM SWITCH Assembly CH2 A4 CAM SWITCH ASSEMBLY C HI Capacitors Tolerance 20 unless otherwise indicated Cl 06 307 1010 00 2X Hybrid Cl 07 307 1010 00 2X Hybrid C110 307 1012 00 5X Hybrid c m 307 1012 00 5X Hybrid C l 14 307 1013 00 10X Hybrid Cl 15 307 1013 00 10X Hybrid C l 18 307 ...

Страница 126: ...istor Resistors are fixed composition 10 unless otherwise indicated R345 311 1125 00 250 O W a r Switch Wired or Unwired S2001 105 0227 00 Cam CH2 VOLTS DIV A6 TRIGGER SOURCE SWITCH Circuit Board Assembly 670 1364 00 Complete Board Capacitors Tolerance 20 unless otherwise indicated C70 281 0500 00 2 2 pF Cer 500 V 0 5 pF C72 283 0023 00 0 1 ju F Cer 10V C73 283 0003 00 0 01 fx F Cer 150V Resistors...

Страница 127: ... C72 283 0006 00 0 02 F Cer 500 V C74 283 0128 00 lOOpF Cer 500 V 5 C76 281 0510 00 22 pF Cer 500 V Resistors Resistors are fixed com position 1 0 unless otherwise indicated R74 315 0104 00 1 0 0 kn W R76 315 0563 00 56 k n W 5 5 Switches W ired or Unwired S74 S75A S75B 260 1224 00 260 1226 00 Push push A C D C TRIGGER COUPLING Push push LFREJ HFREJ TRIGGER COUPLING A 8 HORIZONTAL Circuit Board As...

Страница 128: ...er 100 V C718 290 0246 00 3 3 xF Elect 15 V 10 C720 290 0247 00 5 6 x F Elect 6 V C722 290 0247 00 5 6 xF Elect 6 V C730 283 0067 00 0 001 m F Cer 200 V 10 C732 283 0004 00 0 02 fxF Cer 150 V C734 283 0059 00 1 xF Cer 25 V 80 20 C742 283 0081 00 0 1 mF Cer 25 V 80 20 C755 281 0519 00 47 pF Cer 500 V 10 C761 290 0527 00 15 xF Elect 20V C764 281 0519 00 4 7 pF Cer 500 V 10 C775 283 0003 00 0 01 x F ...

Страница 129: ...eable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 152 00...

Страница 130: ... 82 V 5 VR872 152 0306 00 Zener 1N960B 400 mW 9 1 V 5 VR876 152 0304 00 Zener 1N968B 400 mW 20 V 5 Transistors Q605A B 151 1049 00 Silicon JFET TO 71 N channel Tek Spec dual Q610 151 0190 01 Silicon NPN TO 106 Tek Spec Q618 151 0190 01 Silicon NPN TO 106 Tek Spec Q635 151 0220 00 Silicon PNP TO 18 2N4122 Q645 151 0220 00 Silicon PNP TO 18 2N4122 0660 151 0220 00 Silicon PNP TO 18 2N4122 Q665 151 0...

Страница 131: ... W 5 R618 321 0164 00 499 0 w Prec 1 R620 321 0290 00 10 2 kO y8W Prec 1 R622 321 0258 00 4 75 kO AW Prec 1 R623 315 0431 00 430 0 AW 5 R624 316 0101 00 1000 AW R625 315 0751 00 750 0 AW 5 R626 315 0112 00 1 1 ko A W 5 R628 316 0392 00 3 9 kO A W R629 311 0644 00 20kO Var R634 316 0222 00 2 2 kO AW R635 316 0222 00 2 2 kO A W R636 301 0391 00 390 0 A W 5 R637 316 0272 00 2 7 kO AW R638 316 0222 00...

Страница 132: ... 1 321 0162 00 475 n VsW Prec 1 316 0101 00 ioo n y4 w 321 0245 00 3 48 kn VsW Prec 1 321 0270 00 6 34 kn VsW Prec 1 321 0085 00 75 n VsW Prec 1 321 0164 00 499 n VsW Prec 1 321 0262 00 5 23 kn VsW Prec 1 316 0101 00 ioo n w 316 0101 00 lo o n y4 w 321 0232 00 2 55 kn VsW Prec 1 316 0102 00 l kn AW 316 0104 00 100kn A W 316 0101 00 ioo n A W 311 0644 00 20 kn Var 316 0223 00 22 kn A W 321 0287 00 ...

Страница 133: ... 2 4 kn A W 5 R756 315 0242 00 2 4 kn A W 5 R760 321 0222 00 2 kn W Prec 1 R761 321 0114 00 is o n A w Prec 1 R762 321 0362 00 57 6 kn A W Prec 1 R763 321 0191 00 953 n A W Prec 1 R764 321 0280 00 8 06 kn A W Prec 1 R765 321 0292 00 10 7 kn A W Prec 1 R766 321 0247 00 3 65 kn A W Prec 1 R768 321 0280 00 8 06 kn A W Prec 1 R770 316 0183 00 18 kn A W R772 321 0284 00 8 87 kn A W Prec 1 R774 321 0268...

Страница 134: ...R 816 321 0225 00 2 15kn w Prec 1 R 817 311 0644 00 20 kn Var R 818 321 0155 00 402n W Prec 1 R 819 321 0296 00 11 8 kn W Prec 1 R 825 321 0214 00 1 65kn W Prec 1 R826 321 0225 00 2 15kn W Prec 1 R827 321 0286 00 9 31 kn W Prec 1 R 829 321 0222 00 2 kn W Prec 1 R 830 316 0470 00 47n A W R 832 316 0472 00 4 7kn A W R 835 321 0292 00 io 7kn W Prec 1 R 836 321 0247 00 3 65 kn a w Prec 1 R 838 321 020...

Страница 135: ... A W R877 323 0188 00 887 O A W Prec 1 R879 316 0101 00 100Q A W R881 324 0356 00 49 9 kO 1 w Prec 1 R882 321 0143 00 301 n A W Prec 1 R884 303 0563 00 56 kQ 1 w 5 R885 321 0244 00 3 4 kn A W Prec 1 R886 316 0471 00 470 n A W R887 323 0188 00 887 n A W Prec 1 R888 316 0104 00 ioo kn A W R889 316 0101 00 ioo n A W R890 321 0256 00 4 53 kn A W Prec 1 R892 321 0236 00 2 8 kn A W Prec 1 R896 323 0118 ...

Страница 136: ...on Replaceable by 1N4152 CR1058 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR1060 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR1065 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR1066 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance CR1068 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance CR1070 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR1071 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR1075 152 0061 00 Sil...

Страница 137: ...0 Silicon NPN TO 104 2N5184 Q1030 151 0297 00 Silicon NPN TO 39 High voltage Tek Spec Q1032 151 0297 00 Silicon NPN TO 39 High voltage Tek Spec Q1040 151 0228 00 Silicon PNP TO 5 Tek Spec Q1045 151 0228 00 Silicon PNP TO 5 Tek Spec Q1050 151 0508 00 Silicon PNPN TO 98 D13T1 Q1064 151 0279 00 Silicon NPN TO 39 SE 7056 Q1065 151 0164 00 Silicon PNP TO 5 2N5447 Q1075 151 0508 00 Silicon PNPN TO 98 D1...

Страница 138: ...0222 00 R1064 316 0103 00 R1065 316 0151 00 R1068 307 0114 00 1 kn A W 2 2 kn A W io kn A W is o n A W 6 2 n w R1071 316 0331 00 R1072 316 0153 00 R1074 311 0609 00 R1075 316 0681 00 R1076 316 0102 00 330 n A w 15 kn A W 2 kn Var 680 n A W l kn A W R1077 316 0182 00 R1078 316 0472 00 R1080 316 0102 00 R1081 316 0101 00 R1090 316 0472 00 1 8 kn 4 7 kn l kn ioo n 4 7 kn A W A W A W A W A W R1091 316...

Страница 139: ...130 283 0111 00 0 1 xF Cer 50V 0136 283 0054 00 150 pF Cer 200 V 5 Sem iconductor Device Diodes CR1016 152 0497 00 Silicon CR1100 152 0331 00 Silicon CR1102 152 0413 00 Silicon CR1104 152 0412 00 Silicon CR1106 152 0412 00 Silicon CR1108 152 0413 00 Silicon CR1110 152 0185 00 Silicon CR1132 152 0185 00 Silicon CR1138 152 0185 00 Silicon CR1150 152 0185 00 Silicon VR1110 152 0195 00 Zener VR1140 15...

Страница 140: ... 100 kQ Aw 316 0823 00 82 ko Aw 316 0102 00 1 kQ A W 321 0273 00 6 81 kQ w Prec 311 0635 00 1 kQ Var 321 0265 00 5 62 kQ W Prec 316 0474 00 470 kQ A w 316 0102 00 1 kQ A W 316 0102 00 1 kQ A W 316 0103 00 10 kQ A W 316 0471 00 470 Q A W 316 0333 00 33 kQ A W 316 0152 00 1 5 kQ A W W ired or Unwired 260 0834 00 Switch Push pull POWER 120 0723 00 Transformers Toroid 7 windings 120 0716 00 Line trigg...

Страница 141: ...Cl 196 283 0068 00 0 01 ixF Cer 500 V Cl 198 283 0068 00 0 01 XF Cer 500 V Cl 199 290 0167 00 10 rF Elect 15 V Semiconductor Device Diodes CR1180 152 0170 00 Silicon 1N4441 CR1182 152 0170 00 Silicon 1N4441 CR1184 152 0170 00 Silicon 1N4441 CR1186 152 0170 00 Silicon 1N4441 CR1188 152 0770 00 Silicon 1N4441 CR1190 152 0170 00 Silicon 1N4441 CR1192 152 0170 00 Silicon 1N4441 CR1194 152 0170 00 Sili...

Страница 142: ...0 unless otherwise indicated R1004 315 0102 00 B010100 B019999 1 kn W R1004 316 0472 00 B020000 4 7 kn W 5 T1004 120 0725 00 Transformer Common Mode Rejection A14 Z AXIS Circuit Board Assembly 670 1332 00 Complete Board Capacitors Tolerance 2 0 unless otherwise indicated C811 283 0004 00 0 02 nF Cer 150 V C902 283 0594 00 0 001 xF Mica 100 V 1 C906 285 0758 01 0 05 mF PTM 400 V 2 C919 290 0135 00 ...

Страница 143: ...cted from 1N486A CR928 152 0242 00 Silicon Selected from 1N486A CR931 152 0242 00 Silicon Selected from 1N486A CR935 152 0242 00 Silicon Selected from 1N486A CR940 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance CR953 152 0242 00 Silicon Selected from 1N486A CR954 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR955 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR962 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N415...

Страница 144: ...ilicon NPN TO 39 SE 7056 Resistors Resistors are fixed composition 1 0 unless otherwise indicated R900 321 0298 00 12 4 kn Vs w Prec 1 R902 321 0304 00 14 3 kn Vs W Prec 1 R904 311 1225 00 1 kn Var R905 321 0268 09 6 04 kn Vs W Prec 1 R906 321 0357 00 5 i i kn Vs W Prec 1 R908 321 0365 09 61 9 kn Vs w Prec 1 R910 321 0358 00 52 3 kn Vs W Prec 1 R911 315 0202 00 2kn y w 5 R912 316 0470 00 47 n V w ...

Страница 145: ...0 22 a AW R956 316 0392 00 3 9 ka AW R958 323 0363 00 59 ka AW Prec 1 R960 315 0566 00 56 Ma AW 5 R961 316 0102 00 i ka AW R962A 39 3 Ma R962B 140 ka R962C 307 0274 00 4 9 Ma Thick film R962D 29 1 Ma R962E 600 ka R963 311 1230 00 20 ka Var R967 311 1251 00 200 ka Var R968 311 1257 00 5M a Var R972 321 0382 00 93 1 ka W Prec 1 R973 321 0266 00 5 76 ka A W Prec 1 R974 321 0322 00 22 1 ka sW Prec 1 R...

Страница 146: ...Wired or Unwired S90A1 S90B1 670 1524 00 Push push UPPER SCREEN S90C1 A16 LOWER STORAGE SWITCH Circuit Board Assembly 670 1525 00 Complete Board Switches Wired or Unwired S92A1 S92B1 670 1525 00 Push push LOWER SCREEN S92C1 A17 STORAGE Circuit Board Assembly 670 1523 00 Complete Board Capacitors Tolerance 20 unless otherwise indicated Cl 200 283 0003 00 0 01 xF Cer 150 V Cl 202 290 0529 00 47 fxF ...

Страница 147: ...d conductance 152 0107 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N647 152 0107 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N647 152 0107 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N647 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance 152 0333 00 Silicon High speed and conductance 152 0333 00 Silicon High spe...

Страница 148: ...O A W R1204 316 0105 00 l M n A W R1206 316 0106 00 io m d A W R1208 316 0103 00 io k n A W R1209 316 0104 00 lo o k n A W R1210 316 0333 00 33 k n A W R1212 316 0563 00 56 k n A W R1214 316 0184 00 is o k n A W R1216 301 0333 00 33 kn A w 5 R1217 316 0221 00 220 n A W R1218 321 0330 00 26 7 k n W Prec 1 R1220 321 0337 00 31 6 k n w Prec 1 R1222 321 0286 00 9 31 k n W Prec 1 R1224 311 1227 00 5 k ...

Страница 149: ... 00 220 n A W R1268 321 0330 00 26 7 kn s W Prec 1 R1270 321 0337 00 31 6 kn 8 W Prec 1 R1272 321 0286 00 9 31 kn w Prec 1 R1274 311 1227 00 5 kn Var R1276 311 1229 00 15 kn Var R1277 321 0270 00 6 34 kn W Prec 1 R1279 321 0334 00 29 4 kn W Prec 1 R1280 321 0373 00 75 kn W Prec 1 R1281 321 0334 00 29 4 kn W Prec 1 R1282 323 0399 00 140 kn A W Prec 1 R1286 316 0222 00 2 2 kn A W R1287 316 0103 00 1...

Страница 150: ...ldered to c irc u it board C onnection made to c irc u it board w ith interconnecting pin Blue tin t encloses com ponents located on c irc u it board The fo llo w in g p re fix letters are used as reference designators to id e n tify com ponents or assemblies on th e diagrams A A ssem bly separable o r repairable c irc u it board etc A T A tte n u a to r fix e d or variable B M o to r BT B attery ...

Страница 151: ...ce External to indicate true time rela tionship between signals COUPLING Recommended type Tektronix 7504 with 7A16 plug in unit and P6052 Probe Sweep Controls MODE Voltm eter TIME DIV Type Digital multimeter MAG Input impedance 10 megohms Variable CAL DC CH 1 Midrange CH 1 1 1 DC AUTO 1 ms XI Midrange Range 0 to 1 kilovolt Reference voltage 434 chassis ground Recommended type Tektronix 7504 with 7...


Страница 153: ......


Страница 155: ...r location o f components n ot identified here See Figs 8 1 and 8 8 fo r location o f components not identified here Fig 8 4 P O A 3 Partial Vertical Mode S witch circu it board Fig 8 5 P O A 1 Partial In p u t A m plifie r circu it board ...

Страница 156: ...See Figs 8 3 8 7 8 9 and 8 10 fo r location o f components not identified here Fig 8 6 P O A2 Partial Vertical circu it board ...

Страница 157: ...P O A 5 CAM SW 1TC H C H 2 4 3 S20O CH Z INPUT A M P L IF IE R P R E A M P ...

Страница 158: ...434 434 See Figs 8 3 8 6 8 9 and 8 10 fo r location o f components not identified here Fig 8 7 P O A2 Partial Vertical circuit board ...

Страница 159: ...4 3 4 5 C O jiiV S O O s 0 s 2 5M S ...

Страница 160: ...434 Fig 8 9 P O A 2 Partial V ertical c irc u it board ...

Страница 161: ...434 ...

Страница 162: ... ...

Страница 163: ...d 8 9 fo r location o f components not identified here Fig 8 10 P O A2 Partial Vertical circuit board See Figs 8 14 8 15 and 8 16 fo r location o f components n ot identified here Fig 8 11 A7 Trigger Coupling Switch C ircuit board Fig 8 12 A 6 Trigger Source Switch circuit board Fig 8 13 P O A8 Partial Horizontal circuit board ...

Страница 164: ... Y P E V oltagesandw aveform sobtainedunderconditions givenonpage8 2 f O P fe l C O U P L IN G R637 RC 34 C R 4 4 4 S W F F P RC44 Q C jO S A RtOZ CR6032 IS O K Rfcc9 QtlO U 4 S 0 D U650E QfoOSB R bZ 4 1 0 0 RUZO 10 2K p 0 A 8 HORIZ CIRCUIT board lOTi TRIGGER PICKOFF 4 GENERATOR 43 ...

Страница 165: ... R705 CR785 IC706 R786 M TP7 9 0 0 C R790 R 7 8 2 H g J TP701 C700 U760 R704 U700 TP700 i JS R 700 f y a q I C670 R764 C784 R783 3 IR665 R709 C709 R707j R703 CR770 l i R669 R670 R7611C 761 HumtONTAL BOARD P7JP77 P79 i 6701359 ASSY See Figs 8 13 8 15 and 8 16 fo r location of components not identified here Fig 8 14 P O A8 Partial Horizontal circuit board ...

Страница 166: ...434 4 R H 1 h h 4 5 0 0 i l 4 4 L Ih 7 74 t F E3 4 45 v T1 4 t TT i __ j _L m v 5m s __ i A 34 y _ S m s _ 4 j T ill J34 Svv EEP 3 ...

Страница 167: ... i m i iI CRS66 R866scJiS jCR836 j IQ861 Tfe R863 CR 864 2r R864 t R861 V TR829 C R 82 9 GND Q830 R817 R819 R825 08121 R827 R816 R814 081 8 HORIZONTAL BOARD 670 1359 ASSY P79 4 See Figs 8 13 8 14 an d 8 16 fo r location of components not identified here Fig 8 15 P O A8 Partial Horizontal circuit board ...

Страница 168: ...R 1 Z URCUtT BO ARD No t e Voltagesandwaveformsobtained undereonditu SEE f a r t s LIS T f o r givenon page8 2exceptasfollows B E M I O N D U C T O RT Y P E B j BEAM FINDER P ressed U O R IZ O N TA L A M P L IF IE R 434 ...

Страница 169: ... R809 R806 NOTE C710A C710B C710C SHOWN REMOVED C718 C716 P79 i HORIZONTAL BOARD 670 1359 ASSY P7 7P77 See Figs 8 13 8 14 and 8 15 for location of components not identified here Fig 8 16 P O A8 Partial Horizontal circuit board ...

Страница 170: ... MI5V 3 ...

Страница 171: ...68 rC C R 1 0 6 6 f jt C R 1 0 5 tJ lR 10741 BB Srio g w j P e h ip71 TO T jVRIMoO o CRIOWi JESS CRio g R 16 w ja l l L k ft 0 10 l l S f y 0 R1076 l IP 1094 t fS S C R 1077 1 1078 ISSSSaralfoSSia IHffaiORi Y S F c R I M I RJ091 C 1090 JR1094 Fig 8 17 A9 Power Supply Primary circuit board s eFig 8 20 for location of compnoi in o t id e n tifie dlitre Fig 8 18 P O A10 Partial Power Supply Secondary...

Страница 172: ......

Страница 173: ...434 Fig 8 20 P O A10 Partial Power Supply Secondary circuit board ...

Страница 174: ...434 Fig 8 21 A l l A 12 Transformer Primary and Secondary circuit boards ...

Страница 175: ......

Страница 176: ... I t Q990 990 Q995 VR980 Q989 VR981 i f hkI C957 7 o J fg H R 9 5 6 f m C993 R967 S j j 2 o M R 9 8 0 B oo R922 R960j C960 Q954 o 5 VHR927 2 q924 Q950 Q940 L TP976 R926 Q915I R910 R906 R912 T r 916 IT920 R 902 1 R900 R918 t VR 944 P125 P127 P I26 p i 25 1 C9 C924 on rear of board Fig 8 22 A14 Z Axis circuit board ...

Страница 177: ...434 5 200 D 3 5 V ...

Страница 178: ...5 R1286MJ 1287 Q12881 I CR1231 R 1234 JQ1266 IQ1260 jQ 1 2 1 6 lg I Q1210 4 Q 1 2 3 0 J s Q1280 Q1246 o 1C1246 TYRE 434 SlpGRAGEf BOAROI 670 152 00 Ja Y i 1 R12 6 R1292 R e Q1294 m I r 12761 pTP1296j6 IR1294 f e R1274 R1224 _c i 202 Fig 8 23 A 17 Storage circuit board ...

Страница 179: ... l D z F d s 5V m s 5 7 r JL 4 3 4 S T O R A G E ...

Страница 180: ...HSS 7 366 1282 00 1 KNOB push on BANDWIDTH 8 366 1282 00 1 KNOB push on INVERT 9 366 1283 00 2 KNOB gray POSITION C H I C H 2 each knob includes 213 0153 00 1 SETSCREW 5 40x0 125 inch HSS 10 366 1038 00 1 KNOB gray POWER INTENSITY knob includes 213 0153 00 1 SETSCREW 5 40 x 0 125 inch HSS 11 366 0494 00 1 KNOB gray POSITION knob includes 213 0153 00 1 SETSCREW 5 40x0 125 inch HSS 12 366 1278 00 1 ...

Страница 181: ...ge BUSHING sleeve front panel trim 0 187 inch BUSHING sleeve front panel trim 0 185 inch PANEL front mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w p a n e l SCREW 2 56 x 0 188 inch PHS SWITCH push BEAM FINDER RESET w h a r d w a r e BUSHING shaft plastic BASE lampholder FILTER lens HOLDER neon plastic 0 65 inch long CAP lampholder DIFFUSOR light LAMPHOLDER plastic 0 355 inch long LENS knob skirt SHIELDI...

Страница 182: ...EMBLY shield contact assembly includes 342 0094 00 1 INSULATOR plate plastic 60 131 1086 00 2 CONTACT ground mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w c o n t a c t 61 211 0007 00 2 SCREW 4 40x0 188 inch PHS 62 670 1358 00 1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY VERTICAL MODE A3 circuit board assembly includes 388 1917 00 1 CIRCUIT BOARD 63 131 0589 00 6 TERMINAL pin 0 50 inch long 64 260 1227 00 2 SWITCH...

Страница 183: ...tor PIN test point ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY cam switch actuator assembly includes COVER cam switch mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w c o v e r SCREW 2 56 x 0 188 inch RHS WASHER lock internal 0 092 ID x 0 18 inch OD NUT hex 2 56 x 0 188 inch CLIP spring tension plastic mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w c l i p SCREW 2 56x0 188 inch RHS WASHER lock internal 0 092 ID x 0 18 inch OD NUT hex 2 56...

Страница 184: ...hardware n o t in c lu d e d v r e s is t o r SCREW 2 56x0 188 inch RHS WASHER lock internal 0 092 ID x 0 18 inch OD POST hex 2 56 x 0 156 x 0 312 inch long mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w p o s t SCREW 2 56x0 188 inch RHS WASHER lock internal 0 092 ID x 0 18 inch OD SETSCREW 5 40x0 312 inch HSS mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w a c t u a t o r a s s e m b ly SCREW sems 4 40...

Страница 185: ...OCKET connector pin PIN test point mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w c i r c u i t b o a r d a s s e m b ly SCREW sems 4 40x0 312 inch PHB BRACKET storage circuit board BRACKET Z axis circuit board mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w b r a c k e t SCREW 6 32 x 0 50 inch PHS SCREW 6 32 x 0 75 inch PHS NUT square 6 32 x 0 25 inch SUPPORT CRT plastic mounting hardware for each n o ...

Страница 186: ...ing hardware n o t in c lu d e d w s h ie ld SCREW 6 32x0 312 inch PHS WASHER lock internal 0 146 ID x 0 283 inch OD CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY STORAGE A17 circuit board assembly includes CIRCUIT BOARD TERMINAL pin 0 50 inch long PIN test point SOCKET pin connector mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w c i r c u i t b o a r d a s s e m b ly SCREW sems 4 40x0 312 inch PHB CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY switc...

Страница 187: ... FIG 1 Front ...

Страница 188: ...3 00 1 CHASSIS mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w l i n e f i l t e r a s s e m b ly 11 211 0007 00 2 SCREW 4 40x0 188 inch PHS 12 1 SWITCH thermostatic mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w s w it c h 13 211 0008 00 2 SCREW 4 40x0 25 inch PHS 14 131 0955 00 3 CONNECTOR receptacle BNC w h a r d w a r e mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w c o n n e c to r 15 210 0255 00 1 TERMIN...

Страница 189: ...t in c lu d e d w c a b l e a s s e m b ly NUT hex 0 375 32 x 0 50 inch WASHER lock internal 0 375 ID x 0 50 inch OD SHIELD electrical shield includes INSULATOR plate mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w s h ie ld SCREW 4 40x0 188 inch PHS BRACKET angle 3 725 inches mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w b r a c k e t SCREW 4 40 x 0 25 inch PHS SHIELD electrical BRACKET angle 2 60 inches mount...

Страница 190: ...angle power supply capacitor mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w b r a c k e t NUT keps 4 40 x0 25 inch GROMMET rubber 0 312 inch diameter SHIELD electrical power supply mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w s h ie ld SCREW 4 40 x 0 25 inch PHS CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY PRIMARY POWER SUPPLY A9 circuit board assembly includes CIRCUIT BOARD TERMINAL pin 0 50 inch long SOCKET pin terminal SOCKET p...

Страница 191: ...0 0595 00 2 NUT BLOCK 8 32 inch thread mounting hardware for each not included w nut block 90 211 0507 00 1 SCREW 6 32x0 312 inch PHS 91 220 0444 00 1 NUT square 6 32x0 25 inch 92 220 0595 00 1 NUT BLOCK 8 32 inch thread mounting hardware not included w nut block 93 211 0531 00 1 SCREW 6 32 x 0 375 inch Fil HS 94 210 0202 00 1 LUG solder SE 6 95 131 0775 00 1 TERMINAL stud 96 131 0775 00 3 TERMINA...

Страница 192: ...d w coil SCREW 6 32 x 0 25 inch PHS BRACKET coil mounting hardware not included w bracket SCREW 6 32 x 0 25 inch PHS GROMMET plastic 0 25 inch CLAMP cable snap on BUSHING plastic PANEL rear mounting hardware not included w panel SCREW 4 40 x 0 188 inch PHS HEATSINK 1 inch diameter mounting hardware for each not included w heatsink SCREW 4 40 x 0 375 inch PHS NUT hex 4 40x0 188 inch NUT sleeve 4 40...

Страница 193: ...lu d e d w c o u p le r NUT hex 5 40 x 0 25 inch TERMINAL lug 0 125 ID x 1 125 inches long mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w t e r m i n a l SCREW 4 40 x 0 188 inch PHS NUT keps 4 40 x 0 25 inch SHAFT extension 5 555 inches long COUPLING shaft 0 312x0 50 inch long coupling includes SETSCREW 4 40 x 0 094 inch long SHAFT extension 8 05 inches long SHAFT extension 6 20 inches long COUPLER plast...

Страница 194: ...T terminol pin SHIELD electrical circuit board mounting hardware n o t in c lu d e d w c rcu f b o a r d a s s e m b ly SCREW sems 4 40x0 312 inch PHB CIRCUIT BOARD ATTENUATOR CH 1 A4 CH 2 A5 CHASSIS mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w ch a s s is POST hex 4 40x0 188x0 333 inch long WASHER lock internal 0 12 ID x 0 26 inch OD SCREW 2 56x0 25 inch PHS WASHER lock split 0 092 ID x 0 175...

Страница 195: ... circuit board assembly includes CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCH push BANDWIDTH INVERT mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w s w it c h SPACER pushbutton switch SHIELD electrical SHIELD electrical BRACKET variable resistor RESISTOR variable mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w r e s is t o r NUT hex 0 25 32x0 312 inch TERMINAL lug 0 25 inch diameter SE TERMINAL pin 0 50 inch long SOCKE...

Страница 196: ...22 00 2 CONNECTOR terminal 131 0707 00 5 CONNECTOR terminal 131 0792 00 2 CONNECTOR terminal 352 0199 00 1 HOLDER terminal connector 3 wire b la c k 215 352 0161 00 2 HOLDER terminal connector 3 wire b la c k 216 343 0254 00 1 CLAMP CRT socket 217 367 0117 00 1 PULL CRT socket 218 200 0917 01 1 COVER CRT socket STANDARD ACCESSORIES not shown 010 0127 00 2 PROBE PACKAGE P6006 3 5 foot version 070 1...

Страница 197: ...434 R434 FIG 2 Chassis Rear Standard Accessoires ...

Страница 198: ...ved shank 8 32 x 2 inches PHS 14 348 0272 00 4 FOOT cord wrap mounting hardware for each n o t in c lu d e d w f o o t 15 213 0012 00 2 SCREW thread forming 4 40x0 375 inch 100 csk FHS 16 348 0277 00 ft SHIELDING GASKET electrical 2 80 feet long 016 0272 00 1 RACK ADAPTER rack adapter includes 17 134 0067 00 5 PLUG button plastic 18 016 0120 00 1 RACKMOUNT KIT w hardware 129 0103 00 1 BINDING POST...

Страница 199: ...s g 4 ...

Страница 200: ...434 R434 STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE FIG 3 Cabinets ...

Страница 201: ...ex No Tektronix Part No Serial Model No Eff Disc Q f Description y 1 2 3 4 5 4 065 0157 00 1 CARTON ASSEMBLY 1 2 004 0361 00 004 0461 00 carton assembly includes 1 PAD SET 6 piece 1 CARTON outer 434 R434 STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE FIG 4 R434 Repacking ...

Страница 202: ...CARTON ASSEMBLY Part No 065 0157 00 Q Tektronix Serial Model No t Description Part No Eff Disc y 1 2 3 4 5 004 0357 00 2 PAD SET 1 piece 004 1103 00 1 PAD SET 3 piece 004 1102 00 1 PAD SET 4 piece 004 0460 00 1 CARTON inner ...

Страница 203: ...S e ria l M o d e l No N o Part N o Eff Disc Q t y 1 2 3 4 5 Description 065 0156 00 1 CARTON ASSEMBLY carton assembly includes 1 004 0285 00 2 ETHAFRAME 004 0704 00 1 CARTON accessory 2 004 0794 00 1 CARTON 434 R434 STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE FIG 5 434 REPACKAGING ...

Страница 204: ...mmediately into printed manuals Hence your manual may contain new change information on follow ing pages A single change may affect several sections Sections of the manual are often printed at different times so some of the information on the change pages may already be in your manual Since the change information sheets are carried in the manual until ALL changes are permanently entered some dupli...

Страница 205: ...led Without Probe or With XI Probe___________________10 Hz orless With X10 Probe 1 Hz orless Page 1 6 TABLE 1 1 CHANGE Storage Writing Speed information to read as follows Storage Writing Speed Standard CRT 100 Div ms minimum ________________ 400 Div ms enhanced Option 1 CRT 500 Div ms minimum 5 Div p s enhanced Measured within the center 6 vertical and 8 horizontal divisions Some writing speed de...

Страница 206: ...d display for no breaks or gaps exceeding 0 025 inch within the center 6 vertical and 8 horizontal divisions Proper storage of the sweep indicates a storage writing rate of at least 100 divisions per millisecond 500 Div ms for Option 1 CRT r CHECK CRT stored display for no breaks or gaps exceeding 0 025 inch within the center 6 vertical and 8 horizontal divisions Proper storage of the sweep indica...

Страница 207: ...CREEN A 16 LOWER STORAGE SWITCH Circuit Board Assembly CHANGE TO 670 1524 00 Complete Board Switches Wired or Unwired S92A S92B7 670 1524 00 Push push LOWER SCREEN S92C MECHANICAL PARTS LIST CORRECTION SECTION 9 Page 9 7 CHANGE TO Fig 1 160 670 1525 00 1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY switch UPPER STORAGE A15 Fig 1 163 670 1524 00 1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY switch LOWER STORAGE A16 S90a J S90B S90C C2 1271 ...

Страница 208: ...HANICAL PARTS LIST CORRECTION SECTION 9 Page 9 4 CHANGE TO Fig 1 74 670 1359 08 432 1 670 1359 09 434 1 388 1918 01 1 Fig 76 131 0604 00 25 Fig 80 214 0579 00 18 105 0262 01 1 Fig 96 105 0231 01 1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY HORIZONTAL A8 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY HORIZONTAL A8 circuit board assembly includes CIRCUIT BOARD CONTACT cam switch PIN test point ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY cam switch DRUM sweep SCHEMATIC...

Страница 209: ...elected 90 9 to 102 0 range R323 321 0131 00 226 0 nominal value Selected ADD XR219 315 0104 00 10 k f t 1 4 U 5 7 2R222 315 0183 00 18 k f l 1 4 W 5 7 XR319 315 0104 00 10 k f l 1 4 W 5 7 n 2R322 315 0183 00 18 k f t 1 4 W 5 7 Note R220 and C222 board locations are interchanged R320 and C322 board locations are interchanged Added in parallel with R220 and R320 respectively as necessary Added in p...

Страница 210: ...2 mV DIV gain accuracy If the 1 mV DIV or 2 mV DIV ranges are outside of specified tolerances at the com pletion of step 19 Gain adjustments an approximate 2 resistance change of R220 R320 R223 or R323 will result in a 2 gain change for the corresponding range and channel If the display exceeds 5 15 divisions increase the resistor value by 27 If the display is less than 4 85 divisions decrease the...

Страница 211: ...5 k f l 1 8 W Prec 1 7 R861 321 0113 00 147 a 1 8 W Prec 1 7 CR835 152 0153 00 Silicon Replaceable by FD7003 or CDS574 CR865 152 0153 00 Silicon Replaceable by FD7003 or CD5574 A2 VERTICAL Circuit Board Assembly ADD L275 108 0443 00 L285 108 0443 00 C278 281 0536 00 15 V 25 pH 25 pH 1000 pF Cer L2 B5 500 V 15V C 2 7 8 ___ lOOOpF RETS W V RE79 _ PARTIAL 2 S U H TRIGGER PICKOFF R 888 GENERATOR 1 5 V...

Страница 212: ...IC CORRECTION A8 HORIZONTAL Circuit Board Assembly CHANGE TO R871 323 0327 00 24 9 k f l 1 2 W Prec 1 R881 323 0327 00 24 9 k f l 1 2 W Prec 1 ADD R872 323 0327 00 24 9 k f l 1 2 W Prec IZ R880 323 0327 00 24 9 W2 1 2 W Prec IZ R872 R 87I R88I R 8 8 0 24 9 K 24 9 K M18 276 1171 ...

Страница 213: ...lete Board R795 321 0269 00 6 19 k f l 1 8 W Prec 1 A14 Z AXIS Circuit Board Assembly 670 1332 02 Complete Board R931 321 0305 00 14 7 k f t 1 8 W Prec 1 R935 316 0472 00 4 7 k f l 1 4 W 10 C981 283 0162 00 0 01 nF Cer 5000 V 80 20 R964 301 0755 00 7 5 MO nominal value Selected MECHANICAL PARTS LIST CORRECTION Page 9 4 1 74 670 1359 10 1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY HORIZONTAL A8 1 74 670 1359 11 1 CIRC...

Страница 214: ...Page 2 of 3 SCHEMATIC CORRECTION 432 434 P I2 5 2 R 93 4 7 K N C W A W R93I 2 2 K WAS TP 976 TOPIN 6 U 9 4 0 A R930 PI30 5 PARTIAL CRT CIRCUIT CALIBRATOR R 9 8 0 c r V g r id BIAS C9QO MI8 329 1171 V v ...

Страница 215: ...aximum intensity and blanking override This allows the operator to adjust the intensity control within this range to improve the focus for single sweep storage near the writing speed limit SECTION 5 Calibration Page 5 11 Step 12 Check Stored Writing Speed ADD The following note after the step title NOTE For all Serial numbers Storage Writing Speed specifications apply for a new CRT Some degradatio...

Страница 216: ...ND SCHEMATIC CORRECTION A2 VERTICAL Circuit CHANGE TO C222 281 0571 00 82 pF C322 281 0571 00 82 pF ADD VR525 152 0166 00 Zener VR565 152 0166 00 Zener Board Assembly Cer 500 V 207 Cer 500 V 207 M18 365 1271 1N753A 400 mW 6 2V 5 7 1N753A 400 mW 6 2V 5 7 C 5 2 5 AMPLIFIER M18 369 1271 ...

Страница 217: ...080000 up 434 R EFF SN B080000 up ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST AND SCHEMATIC CORRECTION A14 Z AXIS Circuit Board Assembly CHANGE TO VR980 152 0357 00 Zener 1N983B 400 mW 82 V 5 VR981 152 0285 00 Zener 1N980B 400 mW 62 V 57 M18 374 1271 ...

Страница 218: ...R434 434 950A EFF SN B090000 up ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST AND SCHEMATIC CORRECTION A17 STORAGE Circuit Board Assembly CHANGE TO R1232 306 0124 00 120 k f t 2 W 10 R1282 306 0124 00 120 k f t 2 W 10 M18 412 1271 ...

Страница 219: ...structions Page 2 15 Fast Single Sweep Enhancement CHANGE The followingstepsas indicated 1 Apply a 30 kHz 350 kHz for Option 1 CRT sine wave signal for a CRT display of approximately 3 2 divisions P P amplitude to one of the vertical input connectors 2 Set up a normal intensity non stored display of the signal in the manner given in Normal Sweep Display 5 With the TIME DIV switch set to 10 ps 2 ps...

Страница 220: ...r four five for Option 1 CRT divisions r Proper storage of a 2 5 0 2 for Option 1 CRT 8 division sweep indicatesan enhanced storage writing speed of at least 400 5000 for Option 1 CRT centimeters per millisecond SECTION 7 Electrical Parts List Page 7 3 Electron Tube CHANGE As follows V100 154 0650 00 CRT Standard V100 154 0666 02 CRT Option 1 Past Writing Speed SECTION 9 Mechanical Parts List Page...

Страница 221: ...432 R432 EFF SN B050000 up 434 R434 EFF SN B050000 up SECTION 9 Page 9 16 STANDARD ACCESSORIES CHANGE TO 010 6061 01 2 PROBE PACKAGE P6061 3 5 foot w XlO readout spring Rev M18 226 1071 ...

Страница 222: ...E SWITCH Circuit Board Assembly ADD R61 CHANGE TO 316 0104 00 100 k f l 1 4 W A8 HORIZONTAL Circuit Board Assembly 10 S C663 281 0549 00 68 pF Cer 500 V CR644 152 0125 00 Tunnel TD3A 4 7 mA R640 316 0392 00 3 9 k f l 1 4 W 10 V IOOK S R 6 0 A 50 K W v PARTIAL 1 S W E E P i v r I P76 P 7 8 As As 4 4 7 0 N C4 7I 4 f CHANNEL SWITCH 3 W N A R4 7I R470 P 2 5 2 T O y Q280 P I8 4 s M18 475 172 Rev ...
