PLEASE NOTE: We advise you to use slightly hard water to avoid the appearance of white dust; you
can use tap water, bottled water, distilled water or boiled water.
If you live in a hard water area, use clean, cool bottled water or distilled water. Please remember
that the tank must always be filled with cold water.
WARNING : Never insert water into the piezo area!
6. Place the appliance on a flat surface and plug it.
7. Adjust the nozzle so that the steam is not directed at an obstacle, which could adversely affect the
humidity regulation.
8. Press on the on/off button. The clean alert will automatically blink. Hold the on/off button for 2
seconds to reset the appliance.
9. After filling the water tank,
the appliance can take 2 to 3 minutes before starting outputting mist.
The device starts directly in AUTO COMFORT mode.
switch on / standby (stop); button A.
Press button (A) to start the appliance or to put it on standby. The digital screen lights up and the
device starts directly in AUTO COMFORT mode.
Select the required mist volume level by pressing button C several times. There are six levels available
(three levels cold mist/three levels warm mist).
You can adjust the mist volume in order to reach faster the required level of humidity.
Warm mist option (anti-bacterial and turbo effects)
When pressing the button C, the mist volume level will increase as follows:
Level 1 cold > Level 2 cold
> Level 3 cold > Level 1 warm > Level 2 warm > Level 3 warm > Back to level 1 cold.
On the screen, the mist volume level icon is either displayed in white (cold mist) or in red (warm mist).
After 10 minutes of use, the mist becomes warm.
After 30 minutes of use on warm mist position, the anti-bacterial action starts and allows you to fight
the growth of germs* in the water base of the device. This function also comes as an extra to the other
operating modes and allows you to increase the performance level. As soon as the level of humidity
of the room is lower, the warm mist re-starts (on the screen the red pictogram appears).
Removes up to 99,9% of Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria representing most of the bacteria
known to exist after 30 minutes of use on warm mist position - under normal conditions of use – tests carried out
by an independent laboratory.
This appliance has
as well as various additional functions.
Selection of the AUTO COMFORT MODE by pressing button E.
The appliance will automatically adapt the humidity level according to the room temperature for
optimal comfort at home.
In order to reach the optimal comfort in the room, this setting takes into account the room temperature
and calculates the optimal humidity level.
When the humidity in the room is reached, the appliance stops working and re-starts as soon as the
humidity in the room is lower than the program.
The humidity in the room is measured every 60 seconds.
Temperature ≤19 °C 20-21°C 22-23°C 24-25°C 26-27°C 28-29°C 30-32°C 33-36°C
You can shift to the manual mode by pressind the button D
• Humidity level: Press button D for adjusting the required (target) humidity level;
Select the required humidity level by pressing button D several times.
The humidity level displayed is the required level that you have set (between 40% and 80% RH).
You can select the warm mist function with manual mode.
Press the Button D, until the continuous mode, “Co” appears on the digital screen.
The appliance operates until reaching 90% RH (safety limit) or until the tank is empty. The mist is
permanently emitted and you can adjust the mist volume.
The appliance will stop working automatically when the humidity level of the room is over 90% RH.
WARNING: In the continuous operating mode and manual mode, the humidity in the room can reach
very high levels that are not beneficial to health and can damage certain objects. The recommended
optimal humidity level is between 50 and 60% RH.
• TIMER: Button B for programming the automatic stop of the appliance.
Select the number of hours that you want the appliance to run for (from 1 to 12 hours) before the
appliance automatically stops, by pressing button B several times. To see the remaining time, press
on button B. Anytime, you can change the timer, increasing the time by pressing the button, until
12hours. To deactivate the timer, press the button B again until it reaches 0.
• NIGHT MODE: Preselect the lowest mist volume level and reduce the screen light: Button F
Press button F to go in or out of the NIGHT MODE. When the button is pressed, the moon icon F
This function enables to decrease the brightness level of the screen and preselects the unit on the
lowest mist volume level (Level 1 cold).
As time goes by, all the other icons except the moon icon will disapear from the digital screen.
This mode also disables the buzzer. The product can still be shifted from one mode to another
(manual or auto) and the humidity target and volume level can be changed on manual mode
without leaving the NIGHT MODE.
The TIMER function can still be used in the NIGHT MODE.
To leave the NIGHT mode, press on button F.
If night mode is activated the sound indicator for empty tank will not work. Only
light indicator N for empty tank is blinking. If night mode is activated, the sound indicator for the
clean alert will not work, only the light indicator L will blink.
• LACK OF WATER: icon N and sound indicator.
When the water tank is empty or if the water level is too low, the mist output stops automatically
and the sound indicator will beep.
The lack of water icon will light up and blink on the screen.
Fill the tank through the top filler and make sure the lid is correclty closed, the appliance will work
• LID COVER ERROR CODE: E1 displayed on the screen instead of double digits (M).
If the screen displays an error code E1, then the lid and/or the chimney are not correctly closed/
placed. Check the lid’s and the chimney’s position to stop the display of the error code E1.
• CLEANING ALERT: De-activating the clean icon after the maintenance of the appliance.
Once you have finished cleaning the water tank of your appliance, the clean icon will still be
displayed on the screen.
To reset the appliance, press and hold on the on/off button for 2 seconds, the clean icon will turn off.
The alert will activate every time the product is plugged-in and every three days to remind the user
the necessity of replacing the water within the tank as per the European norm.