Rollover (Hunt) is a phone company feature that allows calls to be forwarded to another line if
the first line is busy. Most businesses with two or more lines subscribe to the rollover service so
that only one phone number needs to be published for customers. You should configure all
TalkSwitch lines that are part of the rollover group to answer in the same fashion
Registered jacks
Telephone and data plugs registered with the FCC.
Remote extension
A call forwarding number that can be a phone number in any location, set up as a virtual
extension of the TalkSwitch unit. The remote extension is assigned an extension number and
has a voice mailbox.
Ringer Equivalency Number. A number determined in accordance with the US code of federal
regulations. It represents the ringer loading effect on a line.
Registered jack 11 connects to a 2-wire telephone line. It is used with telephones, cordless
phones, fax machines and modems.
Registered jack 14 connects to a 4-wire telephone line. It is used with two-line telephones.
Registered jack 45 connects to an 8-wire telephone line. It is generally used with
networking applications.
Rollover (Hunt) is a phone company feature that allows calls to be forwarded to another line if
the first line is busy. Most businesses with two or more lines subscribe to the rollover service so
that only one phone number needs to be published for customers. You should configure all
TalkSwitch lines that are part of the rollover group to answer in the same fashion.
Real-time Transport Protocol. It defines a format for delivering audio and video files over
the Internet.
Determining the path that a message or call has to take over circuits. TalkSwitch routes
incoming calls according to the configuration.
Serial communication
A type of electronic communication requiring data bits to be sent one after the other, unlike
parallel communication. Modems rely on serial communication to send data over
telephone lines.
Shortcut key
A key combination that causes a specific command to be executed. Shortcut keys combine the
Ctrl or Alt keys with other keys. (e.g. Ctrl and C is the shortcut key to copy selected items).
Session Initiation Protocol. A signaling protocol, developed by the Internet engineering task
force (IETF).