Users Manual – eco1050, eco2050, eco2150, eco4050, eco674, eco694, eco814
p. 38
Adjusting an AOI (area of interest)
When clicking on the “AOI” button in the “Image” panel a graph tablet
becomes visible that allows for defining an AOI by dragging and resizing a gray
target area with a red border inside the imager limits, represented by a
rectangle with black borders.
Whenever the left mouse button is released after dragging/resizing the target
area, the camera will be adjusted to the new settings. Alternatively the target
area can be defined numerically by entering values into the edit fields for
Size/Offset and subsequently clicking on “Apply”. After clicking on “Apply” the
graph tablet will disappear and the new settings are stored in the camera.
The strobe panel allows for accessing the following settings for controlling light
Strobe duration
Strobe delay (Start of strobe related to a trigger pulse)
Strobe polarity (positive/negative)