Users Manual – eco1050, eco2050, eco2150, eco4050, eco674, eco694, eco814
p. 21
In particular the following information and settings are available:
In the camera panel the following information is queried from the camera and
Model name: ecoZZZXVGE
Manufacturer name: SVS-VISTEK
Serial number
Device version
User defined name
Manufacturer specific information
The network panel shows the currently used network related settings and
parameters. These are in particular:
The camera’s MAC address
The camera’s IP address
The camera’s subnet mask
The camera’s streaming port and streaming packet size
The actual data rate
The actual frame rate
The acquisition panel contains the settings that are related to image acquisition
as follows:
Acquisition mode: (free running, software trigger, external trigger
with internal/external exposure)
Free Running/Fixed Frequency: At the first installation it should
be this mode. In this mode the camera creates all sync signals
itself. There is no need to trigger the camera in order to get data.
The Exposure time can be set by using the software
Interface of the PC. It is controlled by the internal FPGA. No
further external signals. The enclosed program allows the user to
set the values from e.g. about 1/100.000/sec to 2 seconds (type
dendent). Exposure time can be changed online during operation.
External trigger and using Pulse width of Trigger (external
exposure): In this mode the camera is waiting for an external
Trigger which causes the integration and read out. The exposure
time can be varied by the length of Trigger between the high going
edge and the low going edge. The Time settings in the control
menu are not activated. This mode is useful in applications where
the light level of the scene changes during operation. A frame to