Users Manual – eco1050, eco2050, eco2150, eco4050, eco674, eco694, eco814
p. 45
Technical Data
An easy logic allows the control of the camera by different signals to achieve
optimum image quality.
CCD used/cosmetic issues:
Sony: ICX674, ICX694, ICX814,
Truesense KAI1050, KAI2050, KAI2150, KAI4050
For Details see Sony and Truesense datasheets.
Single pixel defects are possible.
Please note: Factory settings for gain/offset will be irrevocably
overwritten when confirming the final message box with OK.
Signal conditioning
The analog output of the sensor is conditioned by Correlated Double Sampling
(CDS) for optimum S/N ratio. Dark level drift is compensated by an “auto zero”
amplifier circuit and fed into a video ADC with 14 Bit resolution. The data are
fed into an internal 64 MB Memory. The camera is controlled by an FPGA and
the data packages are sent via an Ethernet controller to the PC.
Optical and mechanical issues
Camera size: 38mm x 38mm x 45mm (without connectors and lens)
Camera size IP67 version: 42mm x 42mm x 45,1 mm (without
connectors and lens)
Weight: Approx. 150 grams
Front plate with C-mount.
Distance from Chip surface to C-mount ring: 17.52mm