A measurement is the process of collecting data from a sensor. MONITOR provides the
ability to setup multiple measurements, each with its unique setup. Each measurement
will occur periodically and provide one or more results, which are usually related to
weather conditions. Measurement results are always logged. The log can hold almost
250,000 unique readings.
As a data logger, MONITOR’s primary function is to measure and log data from sensors.
All commonly used environmental sensors are supported.
Here is a list of some of the many sensors supported by MONITOR and available through
(Air Temperature and Relative Humidity) - using analog or SDI-12
– using a tipping bucket
Wind Speed / Wind Direction
- RM Young or Gill ultrasonic via frequency,
analog, and SDI-12 inputs (includes vector averaging)
- using SDI-12 Shaft Encoder, Radar Level Recorder, Stage Discharge
Recorder, analog submersible, Bubbler
Barometric Pressure
- using the SDI-12 Accubar
Solar Radiation
via Differential Analog Input
Inputs available
Each of these inputs is capable of having one sensor connected to it, except for SDI-12
which can connect to multiple sensors.
Analog inputs
Two 0-5 V single ended analog input
Three Differential Analog Inputs (for bridge type sensors)
One 4-20mA input
Digital inputs
One counter digital input (used for tipping bucket)
One frequency/period input (used for wind speed)
Two discrete digital inputs (read line state as 1 or 0)
SDI-12 input
SDI-12 V1.3 compliant supports multiple sensors all connected to the same