Averaging Time:
Sampling Interval:
00:15:00 (needs to be the same as
Interval of M1)
Internal Temperature
Internal Temperature
measurements use a temperature sensor installed on the
Monitor board. Every Monitor comes with a built in temperature sensor. The
reading provided is in degrees Celsius. To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit set
the slope to 1.8 and the offset to 32.
Sensor Test
Once a measurement is setup, there is an easy way to test it. The front panel
offers the menu
Sensor Test
in the measurement setup. The menu will show both
the raw reading from the sensor and the final reading. Additionally, the menu will
test the warmup (for appropriate sensor types) by first removing power from the
sensor. Please note that the menu may not work correctly if recording is on and
the measurement schedule such that power cannot be removed from the sensor.
Measurement Setup Defaults
To change the setup a single measurement to its defaults, please use the front
panel menu
Measurement Defaults
. You may also type
on the command line to reset measurement one. This will affect
only one measurement.
Measurement Calibration
MONITOR offers an easy way to change the current reading of any measurement.
Via the front panel, navigate to the last reading of the measurement (top level of
the menu tree). Press SET and enter the desired value. This calibration procedure
has the effect of modifying the measurement’s
Measurement Two Point Calibration
Changing the slope and offset of a measurement can be accomplished by using
the automated two point calibration. You will need to be able to affect the sensor
so that it can provide two different readings.
Via front panel, please use the Two Point Cal menu. On command line, type
. This procedure requires that the sensor be placed so that it provides one
known value, then placed again to provide a different known value. This
procedure will end up affecting both
of a measurement.
Other Setup
These setup fields relate to general station setup.
Station name
User set identifier for the station.
Recording is the act of collecting and logging sensor data. If recording is off,
MONITOR is idle and will not make any automatic measurements. If recording
is on, MONITOR is active and collecting sensor data according to its setup.