measurement type. To setup the measurement as SDI-12, the user may type either “M1
MEAS TYPE = SDI-12” or “M1 MEAS TYPE = 2”.
Setting the whole setup to defaults can be accomplished by typing “SETUP
DEFAULTS”. Setting just measurement one to defaults can be done via “M1 SETUP
To view the setup and the last reading made measurement one, type M1. Use M2 for
measurement two, etc.
To view all the last measured readings, type “LAST”. It will show a reading for every
sensor that is active. Typing “LAST” does not initiate new measurement.
To initiate a new measurements for each active sensor, type “MEAS”. MONITOR will
measure each sensor one at a time and display results as it goes along.
Interested in only one specific measurement? Try “M1 LAST” and “M1 MEAS”. Those
will show the last measured value and initiate a new measurement, respectively. To get
more details on the measurement readings from “LAST” and “MEAS”, type “M1
DETAILS = ON”. See section on
for more information.
Instead of using M1, M2, etc, you may also the measurement’s
. For example, if
you have named measurement one as “BARO”, typing “BARO” will show the setup of
the measurement an typing “BARO MEAS” will make a new measurement and show the
To change the current reading of a sensor, type “M1 = 12.5”. This will change the
Measurement Offset
such that the said measurement reads the user entered value. For
example, if my water level sensor, once setup, read 3.50, and I knew the water level was
at 1.50, I would type “M1 = 1.50”. The next it was measured, M1 would read 1.50
(assuming the level does not change). The
Measurement Offset
would have changed
from 0 to -2.00.
By default MONITOR is not running. That means that it is neither making
measurements nor recording data.
To start MONITOR, type “RECORDING = ON”.
Downloading the Log
MONITOR will save the measured data in its flash memory each time a measurement is
made. This data is then available to download to via the RS232 port. The command
“LOG” command will start a Y-Modem transfer of the log to the connected device.
There are optional parameters that alter what data is downloaded: