Meas Type
Precip Rate
Meas Interval
24:00:00 (will give daily rain)
Averaging Time
.01 (for tenth inch tipping bucket)
Offset 0
Use Equation
NOTE: It is possible to gather the total rain and a daily, hourly, etc. rain reading, just set
up two sensors both reading the Precip Accumulation and Precip Rate.
Solar Radiation Sensor
This section describes how to connect the sensor and how to setup MONITOR in order to
measure solar radiation sensors. The sensor used is an SP Lite with an analog output and
sensitivity expressed as 79.4uV /Wm².
This device provides radiation via an analog output. To wire it up, connect like so
Solar Radiation
Wire Vref to Diff C +
Diff C +
Diff C -
This MONITOR setup will measure solar radiation, in units of Watts per m², from the
sensor that has a sensitivity of 79.4uV / Wm² (.0000794 V/ Wm²).
Since the Monitor multiplies the voltage by the scale factor we want to know how many
Wm² one volt equals. Also, we have tied the + side to the Vref to keep the input within
the range of the analog circuit, so we also need to apply a negative slope (a posivite
change from the sensor will look like it is going negative to the Monitor).
So: 1 Volt / (0.0000794V / Wm²) * -1= -12594.46 Wm²
Therefore for an instantaneous reading of solar irradiance, not an integrated reading,
where you want the reading in Watts per square meter and not kilo-Watts per square
meter, then you have a large slope. For kW/m-2 the slope would be 12.59446